Living powerfully. What will it take to defy the odds?

Originally posted 2011-03-12 09:34:07.

Living powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?

Do you live powerfully? If the answer is yes, then I can tell you that you have a strong self-esteem.

What is your self-worth?

And I don’t mean how much you want to make an hour, a day, a week, or a year. What you want has nothing to do with self-worth! Continue reading “Living powerfully. What will it take to defy the odds?”

Regrets, Resentments, and other vicious Life-Killers

Originally posted 2009-03-10 11:30:07.

(quoted from daily kabbalah tuneup) Regrets, I’ve had a few … How many of us are stuck in ruts because we cling to past slights, traumas, missed opportunities, and betrayals? The best way to let go and move forward is to acknowledge and accept those negative things you did (or had done to you) as steps on the path that brought you to where you need to be today. Continue reading “Regrets, Resentments, and other vicious Life-Killers”

How high can you go from where you are? Tai Lopez review

I monitor visitor behavior on my site… to see how they treat my articles… I spend a few minutes a week, in the morning. It often gives me an idea of what to write about, what to teach next.

This article is a result of those few minutes of looking today.

Oh, I mostly look at people who signed up to get an email notification each time I publish a new article… by the way. Those people have expressed interest, so I want to see what people who say ‘I am interested’ are doing. Continue reading “How high can you go from where you are? Tai Lopez review”

Everyone wants abundance, but what does abundance mean?

I was a pack rat most of my life. It’s not a pretty way to be, not a good match to ‘high vibration’ but it was a fact… I was a pack rat.

I had a really difficult time to throw anything away, be it a box, a plastic bag, a newsletter, a piece of clothing… So my apartment is still filled to the brim with stuff I don’t use, and will never use.

When I want to clean my closets, I learned that my slogan needs to be: have I worn this in the past year? and if not, give it away or throw it away. But it is hard to throw away stuff. I spent good money to buy it.

I have tons of clothes, some expensive. Clothes I’ve never worn. Continue reading “Everyone wants abundance, but what does abundance mean?”

How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?

bad news

bad newsBad news. On my way home, climbing the long stairway off Euclid Avenue, I was listening to Step 21 of the 67 Steps. It’s about the superpower of being able to get into a relationship with people. Get into a relationship because you can see how their machine works. and because you see it, therefore you can speak their language.

Everything comes to you through people… and…

…you cannot get more abundance than what your people skills allow you to have.

I have been resigned about my ability to get better at dealing with people.

Resigned means: I have a fixed mindset about it, that says: it may be possible for you, but it’s impossible for me. Continue reading “How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?”

What prevents you from becoming all you can become?

what prevents you from learning?If you were a cabbage… would you allow yourself to be trained to become a cauliflower? Roman Cauliflower… like the picture to the left? What prevents you from that?

You want to be more, know more, but you prevent yourself from it… But how?

But how do you prevent yourself from learning, being trained, getting better, growing as a person? Continue reading “What prevents you from becoming all you can become?”

Everybody wants to be special… But it’s a bad idea!

Santa Klaus’s name is Mikulás in Hungary, and of course Mikulas is Saint Nicholas, and his day is December 6. So today it is gift giving day in Hungary, mostly candy and nuts and red apples… as the song goes… in Hungarian.

When people come to me to have their food list muscletested, they rarely think that the food list will ask them to go back a couple of generations to a time when eating was different: you had to buy ice to have an icebox… You gave away half of your venison, or it would rot on you. You stored up goodwill for other times by sharing when it was plenty.

I am old enough to remember those times. Continue reading “Everybody wants to be special… But it’s a bad idea!”

Your self-image is always the context of your life

I watched this Belgian three and a half hours of utter ‘nothing is happening on the screen’ fascinating film.

It was a perfect illustration to many of the things I see, many of thing things I say, many of the things you experience and you don’t understand why.

In the very first Forum I participated in in June of 1985, the Forum Leader was screaming as he came down the side steps of the auditorium. He was screaming: You have your shit together! But that is all you have together!

It was weird.

I didn’t have my shit together… so I didn’t know why he was saying that. Continue reading “Your self-image is always the context of your life”

Self-concern: how self-concern takes you out of the flow

life is a process. concerns block the flow of lifeYou don’t live successfully. Your desire is much higher than your results. You are often, maybe always disappointed in the world, in yourself… but you don’t know exactly what is wrong.

So first let’s look at what is the underlying issue, because there must be an underlying issue if you don’t live successfully, right?

The natural state of things is that you live successfully.

There must be a cause to which ‘not living successfully’ is the effect. So what is the cause? Continue reading “Self-concern: how self-concern takes you out of the flow”

Can The Dark Side Get To Me? What the Dark Side talks to…

This article is from 2012… but it connects to self-image, so it is evergreen and timely.

I know, I know, I haven’t been writing as many articles as before.

Have I dried up? I don’t think so.

So why have I been so quiet?

You deserve to know.

In the beginning of May (2012) I asked for and was given the tool to give people a tool to energize their water.

When you drink water that energizes your body, when you drink water that returns, each time you drink it, some of your cells to their normal state, your life becomes more consistent with life than with death. Continue reading “Can The Dark Side Get To Me? What the Dark Side talks to…”