Want to change? Leave pop-psychology… go where you can actually change yourself


Had the Titanic crew known icebergs better, the ship would have never sunk.
This article is about your icebergs that you have never mapped out, never known deeply enough to change them.
The icebergs are sinking your every effort at a better life…

If you don’t feel liked: no amount of doing will make you feel liked.

If you don’t feel worthy: no amount of doing will make you feel worthy.

If you feel poor, no amount of money or possessions will make you feel rich.
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Opportunity Seeker? Fixer? Looking for instant something? Or maybe know someone like that?

I have been thinking of approaching some of my friends and ask them to introduce me to their customers.

Most of my friends are in internet marketing, given that I have been studying internet marketing since 2004.

I need to be able to figure out what it is that is relevant, in what I teach, for opportunity seekers.

Opportunity seekers are hellbent in finding something that will make them instantly and effortlessly rich, smart, a winner, a stud… pick your poison. Opportunity seeking is like a drug, really, seeking is like a drug. It is like chasing the blue bird of happiness: it appears just within reach only to fly away once you get close to it. The more you are engaged the more addicted you become.

Opportunity seeking is addictive and it is an addiction.
Continue reading “Opportunity Seeker? Fixer? Looking for instant something? Or maybe know someone like that?”

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off… or make you an outcast, or crazy


This article is not for everybody… Exercise caution!

I think I am going crazy.

The main reason people, most of them, almost all of them, are authoritarian, meaning not doing their own due diligence finding out if what is being disseminated as the truth is really credible, is that the truth is horrible.

Your mind acts as a filter, it doesn’t allow anything to go through and become conscious that you can’t handle. If it did, we would have a lot more schizophrenics that we do.

crazyIf it is safe to pass out, the mind will make you lose consciousness if the input is too strong for you to handle. If it is not safe to pass out, it will bury the true extent and meaning of the information until you are ready.
Continue reading “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off… or make you an outcast, or crazy”

The Guru Myth, Its Destructive Power and A Cure.

The Guru Myth, Its Destructive Power and A Cure.

Sophie’s notes: I do not necessarily agree with a lot what’s written in this article, yet it’s a good piece of writing, and I want you to read it.

I will add some notes when I have time… And some vibrational measurements of the people he mentions… Patience, it’s coming.

The Guru Myth, Its Destructive Power and A Cure. (Now w/Videos!)
Julian Walker

Via Julian Walker 1 on Feb 28, 2012

The Word and The Myth.

The word ‘guru’ has taken on a life of its own in Western pop culture. The media and advertising talk about ‘stock gurus,’ ‘marketing gurus,’ sports gurus’ and on and on – the characterization being someone who has a particular insight into their chosen field and is trusted by others as being able to solve certain problems or provide a highly effective strategy on how to be successful.

We know of course that the word originates in India and simply means ‘teacher.’ In India one’s schoolteacher, dance instructor, parent – really anyone in an authoritative or instructive role might be considered your guru in their particular domain.

But when the word is used in a spiritual context it has a very specific meaning and is located within a very particular Hindu belief system. A guru in this sense is a cut above ordinary human beings. What distinguishes the guru from us mere mortals is that they are ‘enlightened’ or ‘self-realized.’

Basically the claim is that there are certain very special people who have crossed a very specific threshold in their spiritual awareness – and they know the ultimate truth about the nature of reality.

Continue reading “The Guru Myth, Its Destructive Power and A Cure.”

What Are You Raising When You Raise Your Vibration?

What Are You Raising When You Raise Your Vibration?
What Is The Vibration That The Map Of Consciousness Measures And What Is The Vibration That The Gurus Are Talking About?

What Is Vibration? What Do The Numbers Mean? How Do You Raise Your Vibration? Is The Guru Of Your Choice A Vampire, A Cult Leader, A Slave-Driver? You’ll Find Out Inside…

This issue is fraught with controversies. So let’s take a look. The truth will set you free, but it will first piss you off!
Continue reading “What Are You Raising When You Raise Your Vibration?”

Case Study: Modality by Story Waters

We don’t know the name of the young guy who is teaching these classes and made these videos…

story waters awakening freedom consciousness Though I don’t know his name I know a few things about him: He tunes into the complicated world of the “light workers” and seekers, 4th Plane…

personal vibration: 299
teachings: 185
truth value: 210

When I muscletest, he connects to the Seventh Plane and the Creator of That Is.

Unfortunately he is not an incarnate being, and he didn’t have to overcome most of the things you and I have gathered lifetime after lifetime. 1

I personally can’t follow his complicated and woo-woo words, but it is my personal failings. Going on a visual and auditory journey with him may cause an few minutes of reverie, but will not result in my ascension: he doesn’t connect you, he doesn’t even connect me.

Brain and eye candy. Keeping up with the fashionable and accepted. Will not do anything for you worth a dime.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.