Why is it that the intelligent person has questions, and the ignorant has answers?

Why is it that the intelligent person has questions, and the ignorant has answers?

complex problemsWhy is it that the intelligent person has questions, and the ignorant has answers?

The other day, on my Sunday call I talked about my next house neighbors who are both PhD students at prestigious Syracuse University. Mike, the guy I talk to every Sunday asked the question: But are they street smart?

It’s not a bad question apart from the fact that it has an agenda as loaded as a rocket launcher… My friend Mike in not educated. And obviously he thinks he is street smart, or he wouldn’t have asked the question.

When I talk about intelligent people asking lots of questions: that question wasn’t one of those… or not really. Continue reading “Why is it that the intelligent person has questions, and the ignorant has answers?”

Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t listen

Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t listen
Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t get it, you didn’t learn it, it is not useful…

This is a half truth. I do have a client who has trained her brain to hear but she herself doesn’t hear what you said, and yet she can parrot back what you what you said.

If you never learn… then most likely you are a SKIMMER

If you are a skimmer, you neither hear nor can repeat what was said.

Most people read, listen, watch, and don’t, can’t recall names, places, and the exact words in a book, and audio or a video. Continue reading “Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t listen”

Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?

Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?
A minor miracle happened yesterday morning…

I found that one of my students who had willfully turned off The Sight capacity, unexpectedly allowed it to stay on. Or maybe it was a major miracle… we shall see. Continue reading “Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?”

Why some people can be trained while others can’t

Why some people can be trained while others can’t

In my starting point measurements there are a few measures that predict whether you can be trained or not.

I have found that two measures are most telling: the size of one’s ambition and the size of one’s rigidity.

  • Ambition is an interesting phenomenon:

Ambition needs you to have some kind of vision of a future you are working towards. In my experience, this measure needs to be higher than 10%, and the higher it is, the more likely you’ll do what it takes to be trained. Continue reading “Why some people can be trained while others can’t”

Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…

Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…

Holographic learning: the only learning that can take you to human being level

So holographic learning is based on a hologram.

A hologram is generated from a pattern on a disk (I think). Even a small fragment of the disk can generate the whole hologram. But more of the disk, and the hologram will be sharper and will have more details. Continue reading “Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…”

What do you see with? Your eyes? NO. Even though…

What do you see with? Your eyes? NO. Even though…

Brain Plasticity…

The brain that changes itself is a book I read in 2011… About the brain… the brain that you need to train if you want to become more, better or different.

Why have I been thinking about brain plasticity/neuroplasticity? Continue reading “What do you see with? Your eyes? NO. Even though…”

You cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?

What capacity is missing so that you cannot tell, you cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?

I think this is the main issue for people who cannot grow… even if they keep on having private sessions, do all my courses, or all Landmark Education courses, or all Mindvalley courses, or use energy stuff… mine or others’.

When you put something they know some other environment, they don’t recognize it in a different environment, a different context.

So what is the missing capacity, you wonder… And how can anyone dream up a method to teach it?

A little historical view of how humans evolved (or not) during their lifetimes in previous times… Continue reading “You cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?”

More on the 10 dark years theory, or why it takes so long

More on the 10 dark years theory, or why it takes so long

Most winners in life master one thing in particular: they are astute. Astute: having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people.

Accurately assess… as opposed to have an opinion, have a good feel, or guess…

Is that a skill, a capacity, a virtue? What is it and how do you get it?

A have a new “most visited” post, the 31 quotes that give you chills… Why? Because it promises an experience… an experience you crave in the consistently dull and painful life you have.

Wanting to get chills without any other benefits says a lot about you and your life. What does it say? For one: you are a mystery to yourself…

I have said it before… humanity bars its way to evolution by throwing big words around. Continue reading “More on the 10 dark years theory, or why it takes so long”

The life of a pinball… or Your expectations and your disappointments

Your expectations and your disappointments reveal to you and to everyone who knows anything about the unconscious worldview that makes sure you are miserable.

You learned that the Universe, Reality, your body, other people are like a vending machine. Push a button and outcomes what you wanted.

Or a car, or an electric mixer. Mechanistic, there for your service.

Even the evil people, religion, law of attraction, manifestation people teach that… with one little twist: if you are good, then the machine will turn on and spit out what you wanted.

So these people with their little twist make it your own fault if and when it doesn’t work.

But what you think about the world and the way the world works are very different.

And you go from expectation to disappointment, anger, dismay, disgust… according to your temperament. Continue reading “The life of a pinball… or Your expectations and your disappointments”

And I recoil from dirty laundry… doing the laundry

And I recoil from dirty laundry… doing the laundry

I should be doing some laundry. I have run out of socks… And anyways, I want to tame this beast of not doing my laundry.

I gather a load’s worth of stuff, carry it to the washing machine… and the distaste, the disgust is so strong… I take a beeline… and sit down by my computer.

Distaste, eh? Yeah, says muscletest. Disgust? yes. Was it always there? No. Was it from when i was 3? later… from age seven.

What was happening at age seven? I went to school. We had a live-in help: my mother was working on her Masters Degree, coming home around nine every night. My brother was about a year old… and was probably driving the live-in help bonkers.

And I recoil from dirty laundry…

I sit really quietly. The fear joins the distaste. I feel terror. I feel being beaten. Screamed at. Wrapped in wet sheets… Can’t breathe…

I must have wet my bed. I don’t remember. My body remembers. The fear, the disgust, the gagging.

The body remembers.
Continue reading “And I recoil from dirty laundry… doing the laundry”