Mulling things over or contemplating… which is better?

Mulling things over or contemplating… which is better?

What is the difference between mulling something over and contemplating?

A lot of people asked Dr. Peter Popper what it takes to be as knowledgeable is he is. His answer is: reading. And then contemplate over what you read. And then reading more. Contemplate more. Continue reading “Mulling things over or contemplating… which is better?”

One of the jobs of the Egomind is to resist change

One of the jobs of the Egomind is to resist change

Egomind? Well, it is just a name… even though it seems that we do have an ego, and we do have a mind.

So let’s see: neither you can find if you cut a person open.

But if you had a sensitive enough instrument, like a true empath, and if you knew what you are looking for, you would find that there is a very strong energy over the chest in the shape of a triangle sitting on one of its sides. Continue reading “One of the jobs of the Egomind is to resist change”

Imagine you are shipwrecked… how far would you swim to get back to society?

Imagine you are shipwrecked… how far would you swim to get back to society?

I made my birthday week special by having a long, 90-minute private call with every active student of mine in my Growth course.

There are things you can see in an interactive course, and then there are things you can see in a private one-on-one call.

What I saw this week is priceless.

I saw how rigidity and fear, scarcity and timid moves, how living in survival actually looks when you look through actions. Continue reading “Imagine you are shipwrecked… how far would you swim to get back to society?”

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth

The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you.I made an alarming observation yesterday at my monthly PlaygroundPlayground session. Every single person in the program has a version of ‘I only want to do what I want to do, and none of the things I am supposed to do‘.

Of course there is a gradation… gradients… some are less unwilling than others.

Chances are I didn’t get all ‘special’ people into my programs, so it seems that this is part of the human condition now: people don’t want to do what they need to do, what they ought to do to be well, to be valuable, to be happy, fulfilled.

Some of the services I provide is muscletesting supplement list, food list, eating style, and health measurements. Continue reading “The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth”