Will reversing aging make your life better?

Will reversing aging make your life better?

Balding, graying hair, thinning hair, brittle hair, lifeless hair… ugh, limp hair, limp d1ck…

All signs, supposedly, of aging, but what if aging is really a loss of something that is there in abundance, and then life, living, the way you eat, the way you spend your time, the way you think, feel, enjoy or not…

I remember, back in Hungary, a whole different world, at least when I was young, there was a lot of talk about psychosomatic illnesses…

That is to say: it is all in your head… The way you use your brain, the way your brain uses you.

I already know a whole lot about how we are making ourselves miserable, a loser, a never do well, a dumb sh*t… but it seems that I knew a lot less than there is to know. Continue reading “Will reversing aging make your life better?”