Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible

Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible

Judge-Judy-Sheindlin- Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's rainingI borrowed that expression from Judge Judy, because I like it. But it is also perfect, because Judge Judy calls for responsibility… to no avail… Why? Because responsibility is a capacity encoded and dormant in human DNA… only a few, the successful few have it turned on.

Responsibility is access to power, access to personal power. And most people are powerless, feel powerless, act powerless. Force is not power. And that is what passes for personal power nowadays: forcing, manipulating, controlling, coercing, etc.

This article is not about that. This article is about how to turn on and live with and through personal power.

As I have shared before, back in November I signed up to a money making scam program.

It hasn’t delivered, but I am OK. I haven’t abandoned ship. Now, that is very interesting, because most people that stay are in hope.

Hope is living in a future denying what is… because you don’t like it.

So the people are in hope, hope of some money they didn’t work for, because they don’t like how the world is: you have to have skills, you have to have knowledge, you have to work… f… that! So they gamble. And hope. 1
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Self-awareness: and your financial and relationship troubles

Self-awareness: and your financial and relationship troubles
how-accurately-do-you-see-yourselfWhat is self-awareness?

Is it feeling what you feel, thinking what you think, doing what you do, and knowing you are feeling, thinking, doing that?

I think self-awareness is beyond that. self-awareness is a positional shift for the self that is aware. Positional meant in a physical sense, in a physical movement of the vantage point.

It is one thing to feel from inside the body, and it’s another thing from observing it, as the body feels what it feels. Continue reading “Self-awareness: and your financial and relationship troubles”

The Law of Action


There is a huge misunderstanding that most of you are the victim of: thinking that you need to be ready to do something, that you need to get rid of fear or discomfort to do something.

One of my clients is dealing with an issue. To solve the issue, I asked him to talk to people in the same kind of business as his, to pick their brains what to do in the winters when there is no snow… i.e. there is no business, no revenue… and he still has to pay his employees.

He is afraid. I get that. But he is not doing what I asked him to do, and I don’t get that… WTF? Is he going to let the company die? What a waste.

When I checked him, a minute ago, he had turned Life Force aka ambition capacity off… dead as a door nail.

All this work for nothing… He may not benefit, but you could… so here is the law of action, teaching you that action doesn’t need you to feel like action, it only needs you to act… Duh.

The capacity that’s missing, interestingly, is the capacity of seeing hierarchy: what comes first, what comes second. And it seems that culture is repeating this delusion… that you have to stop being afraid before you can act. B.S.

The Law of Action

No matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life. Those of us who only think we understand concepts, such as commitment, courage, and love, one day discover that we only know when we act; doing becomes understanding.

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A reader writes: an amazing insight about praising

A reader writes: an amazing insight about praising

i-am-a-disappointmentSometimes a student can say it better than I will ever be able to say…

A lot of you will resonate with this.

If you don’t… that is a sign of an inner desert…

I resonated with it, it expressed me wholly, fully… even though I may be 60% past it. But 40% is still there…

I will put my comments, hopefully, in boxes, near where what I am commenting about. It’s rich and there is a lot to be said.

Enjoy. But most importantly, map what he says to yourself. When you can see yourself in this light, you can start to include it, embrace it, so you can grow.

Hi Sophie

Continue reading “A reader writes: an amazing insight about praising”

Liar liar pants on fire

redpill.bluepillSome people lie more than others. But all people lie… Lying by commission and lying by omission.

Facebook is nauseatingly full of lies and liars. You lie to your loved ones and you lie to yourself. You lie because it seems the kind thing to do, you lie because it is no big deal… but it is… to your inner self… and then you pay the price. This article explains how.

It’s obviously not my article… but it will do…

The Law of Honesty

Recognizing, accepting, and expressing our authentic interior reality lies at the heart of honesty; only when we are honest with ourselves can we speak or act honestly with anyone else. In the sense of integrity, honesty entails acting in line with higher laws despite negative impulses to the contrary.

Live according to your highest light and more light will be given. PEACE PILGRIM

Within the context of our life purpose, as we explore the bigger picture and meaning of our lives, the Law of Honesty points to higher laws and inner consequences that are instant, inevitable, and inescapable. It includes, but does not focus on, external codes of behavior.
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More on being locked out… I am handing you the key

thumbSome 10 years ago I did a year long course, called Partnership Explorations. It was intense, incomprehensible, and difficult.

Yet, it had an aspect that caused me to have an insight that was directly responsible for the breakthrough that you live with me, now.

The course was some talk, and a lot of collages.

A collage is an artwork… normally. But in the Partnership Explorations course it was a tool to get a new insight about life, about ourselves.

In one collage I wanted to show that I was locked out. I was locked out of the kind of life I saw people enjoy: parties, kissing, love.
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Fresh Insights on the DNA capacities activation

Fresh Insights on the DNA capacities activation

constant-gardener-blu-ray-cover-21As I often do, this morning I revisited a movie I saw a few years ago, The Constant Gardener.

In that movie, a British activist and a Kenyan doctor work to expose the pharmaceutical companies that experiment with new drugs on Kenyan people, who die from the experimental drugs. The activist and the doctor get gunned down by Kenyan hired thugs.

No big deal, so why am I weeping every time I think of it?

So this morning I looked at it.

This is what I saw:

It’s a purely cultural rule to see value in life. Without that rule, human greed would completely destroy everyone who interferes with their greed…
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An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?

1920What ISIS Really Wants

from the Atlantic

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What is the Islamic State?

Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comments by Major General Michael K. Nagata, the Special Operations commander for the United States in the Middle East, admitting that he had hardly begun figuring out the Islamic State’s appeal. “We have not defeated the idea,” he said. “We do not even understand the idea.” In the past year, President Obama has referred to the Islamic State, variously, as “not Islamic” and as al-Qaeda’s “jayvee team,” statements that reflected confusion about the group, and may have contributed to significant strategic errors.

What to Do About ISIS?

Continue reading “An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?”

The lesson of Doctor Who for those who want to raise their vibration

Doctor-Who-CollageI published an article on Doctor Who a week or so ago: I did not write that article, no matter what you thought when you read it.

That article was written before the current Doctor came to the scene.

The Doctor, 1000 years old, periodically dies and regenerates into a whole different look and personality “new” Doctor.

It is jarring for everyone involved, especially to the previous companions of The Doctor. The doctor looks dramatically different, and is a dramatically different personality.

As I can tell, one aspect of The Doctor needed to be made obvious: his vulnerability.

There is a great video compilation at the end of this article… worth watching, even if you have never seen the show.
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Spirituality and the quality of your life? Part 1

holographic-universe-mainMy method of growing myself, my method of growing what can be known for humans, is running conquering-new-territories campaigns into the unknown.

It is about leading scouting and conquering military campaigns into the unknown and unknowable, and I do it on my podcast calls… the one I have been having for 8 years now. Every week, for 15 years now.

Some calls are huge campaigns, today’s was like that, and most calls are maintenance, cleaning up, clarifying… All needed for a coherent view.

In today’s call, the conversation was about the question: what does spirituality have to do with the quality of your life??
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