No One CAN Do It FOR You… And Even if They Could…

Originally posted 2008-11-15 08:02:53.

No One CAN Do It FOR You… And Even if They Could…

Most “do-it-for-you” programs don’t work. Why? Are they bad? Are they fakes, thieves, or is there something in our design as human beings that prevents us from taking advantage of these opportunities. This is what this article is about. Surprising. Documented. True. Continue reading “No One CAN Do It FOR You… And Even if They Could…”

She killed her daughter and her grandson…

She killed her daughter and her grandson…
relationship This article is about relating… relationship…

…and what can go wrong, what always goes wrong with relationships… And how the same things could go right with just a little thought… Everything the internet says is shallow, surface, and cheap… instead I suggest distinctions.

I live in a two-family home. I live upstairs. This apartment used to be the owner’s… when their kids got too big, they bought another house and started to rent both apartments.

I know the owner, I know his wife, and I know that people in this street still remember how they used to fight, cats and dogs, scream loud enough for everyone to hear.

Now his daughter is renting the downstairs apartment…. Continue reading “She killed her daughter and her grandson…”