More books are sold on happiness than maybe even on dieting… especially because 98% diet books’ hidden attraction is happiness.
Weird, eh? Continue reading “The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness. What you pursue…”
Become all you can become with Sophie
He that won't be counselled, can't be helped
More books are sold on happiness than maybe even on dieting… especially because 98% diet books’ hidden attraction is happiness.
Weird, eh? Continue reading “The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness. What you pursue…”
It seems that around this time theĀ world is disappearing into two main fantasy lands, two main unrealities: Christmas, and making cash infusion into their lives.
All of that is horizontal plane, all of that is low vibration, all hurry, all puppets on a string.
Continue reading “How to keep your vibration high at Christmas?”
This morning I am looking at the tremendous difference between high vibration and low vibration. My head is spinning… wow.
One can say, that vibration is a number that measures how much of reality you see accurately.
All these, of course, are nearly invisible for the looker. the person whose vibration we measure…
I am saying “nearly invisible” because unless you pay attention to what you see, to where you are looking from, to what you consider relevant and to what is your attitude… these factors are unconscious and therefore not seen. Invisible. Continue reading “What you crave is experiences… So you make them up”