Vibrational Review: Reiki Tummo Irmansyah Effendi

Irmansyah Effendi review:

Personal vibration: 100 (highest possible is 1000)
Does he connect to Source? No.
a review of one of his students
His belief system: truth value: 0% (utter horse s-h-i-t)
His meditation (smiling, heart): 10
It raises your vibration: no
Does he know that what he does doesn’t work? yes

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

resist the temptation to swallow thousands of delusions that have been carefully crafted and seductively packaged

An interesting quote by Rob Brezsny:

…at this peculiar turning point in the evolution of our 14-billion-year-old master game, it’s not easy to carry out our mission. We’ve got to be both wrathful 1 insurrectionaries 2 and exuberant lovers of life. We’ve got to cultivate cheerful buoyancy 3 even as we resist the temptation to swallow thousands of delusions that have been carefully crafted and seductively packaged by those messiahs 4 among us who bravely volunteered to play the role of know-it-all deceivers.
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Spiritual Commandments of Prosperity: 5-10

Spiritual Commandments of Prosperity: 5-10
The Fifth Commandment: Lead Consistently and Constantly…

Leaders lead. Leader: It is not an adjective, it is a verb.

To be a leader you must be a follower. Leaders are excellent followers. They follow ethical and spiritual principles that won’t change over time. Only that way they can be good leaders for others, to change what can and should be changed through their leadership.

Having ethical and spiritual principles is not hip nowadays. And if you look around, there are no leaders. For many, leadership stops when they get the “position.” Their inauguration speech is their last real act of leadership. How come? Are they bad people? No, they have courage deficiency. It takes enormous courage to say no when the request or demand doesn’t align with your spiritual or ethical principles.

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Want More Energy? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!

Want More Energy? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!

sexual energyWant More Energy? Want To Get More Out Of Life? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!

I have discovered that sexuality can be awakened by directing Source energy to the sexual organs.

Now, why would I be so excited about that? After all we live in an oversexed society… right?


But the society is oversexed because of manipulation, not because we were “designed” this way!

One of the most important books I have ever read was Michel Foucault’s The History of Sexuality. It is a difficult read, but I was hooked early on: I have a soft spot for sexuality, if you haven’t noticed, lol.

I read only one of the four(?) volumes, volume 2.

In that book he tells the reader how sexuality is being used by the powers that be to play 3-card Monte with humanity. 5

Foucault say that by turning sex into the topic of conversation, people
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A Fulfilled Life Is When You Become A Match To Your Dreams… How Is Your Life?

a fulfilled life is when you become a match to your dreams Becoming A Match To Your Dreams: The Key To A Fulfilled Life

This article is an open Critique Of Coaching as if you knew How To Use The Law Of Attraction
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Why Am I Miserable? Why You Are Miserable?

Why Am I Miserable? Why You Are Miserable?

iceberg or what's below the sea level is more important to what's above: it can sink you Why Am I Miserable? Why You Are Miserable? The Most Binding Agreements Are The Ones You Never Made

I had a session with a client. The conversation went to one of my ‘favorite’ topics: why wives stop wanting intimacy after the children are born.

This is a big issue for men, and destroys many marriages.

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