Letting the genie out of the bottle and closing the bottle

Letting the genie out of the bottle and closing the bottle
woman-rocking-chair-animatedIt seems that you and me alike, are afraid of letting go of control.

We are afraid of life out of control, of sh-i-t hitting the fan, of what we will do when that happens. So we keep on controlling, suppressing, resisting, and living a shadow existence.

Whether you believe this or not will make a huge difference for you. At the bottom, at the root of this miserable life is a word, a statement, about you, that you are using your life to alternately prove and disprove. A word that sounds like a fact but it isn’t… it is an opinion, not a fact. Continue reading “Letting the genie out of the bottle and closing the bottle”

Am I a freak of nature or a fraud… You decide…

Am I a freak of nature or a fraud… You decide…

gap21I just watched a documentary on youtube.

It’s about a savant who accidentally has social skills and maybe all around intelligence. Most savants are autistic with no social skills, and no real ability to give scientists insight into their brain through the spoken word. Daniel, the math/memory savant therefore is unique.

I watched it for one reason: I am called an empath, but I am not an ‘ordinary’ empath. The ability to feel another person, accurately, makes me a savant, some freak of nature.
Continue reading “Am I a freak of nature or a fraud… You decide…”

Secret to accomplishment? Money, health, love

Secret to accomplishment? Money, health, love

from-little-to-bigSummary: In this article I am attempting to make the impossible possible, the unlikely likely… making great white sharks from minnows…

from eaten to eating. From being dinner to being the diner. from being powerless to being powerful. from being a victim to being a victor.  to awaken the spirit dormant within you. Continue reading “Secret to accomplishment? Money, health, love”

Can you remove the delusions from your view? Get smarter?

069-miscommunicationEvery day thousands of people search for methods to improve their brains, so that they can make more money, do a better job.

They find audios, exercises, videos, Geniuxole System bs., Christie Marie Sheldon blockage removal bs., Pam Ragland’s thought shifting bs., but they are not getting any solution to the fundamental issue why their judgment is off, why what they read doesn’t make a difference, why they make so many mistakes. 1

They think there is something wrong with their brain, but there is nothing wrong with their brains.

So what is the problem, that they don’t know to address, because they don’t know about the problem, they are only dealing with the results of the problem?
Continue reading “Can you remove the delusions from your view? Get smarter?”

Can an idiotic sounding sentence alter your life? Forever?

gatekeeperHere is the idiotic sounding sentence: “For you Everything is the same as everything else … except not always” Let’s begin… Ok, Sophie, but how do I start to see that everything is not the same as everything else?

First let me explain what that weird statement means… It is a koan, and understanding is just the booby prize, meaning consolation prize, meaning that understanding has no value.

The value in the koan is when you can actually catch that you misjudged something. If and when you even just catch (yourself!) something that you were wrong about, you have just stepped on the path to become a person with eyes to see and ears to hear.
Continue reading “Can an idiotic sounding sentence alter your life? Forever?”

Want to be happy? here are the steps

Want to be happy? here are the steps

Happiness is a function of accepting what is. Life is like this weird rose… doesn’t look the way it should… orderly, smooth, safe, winning, beautiful, etc… Hard to accept, hard to even tolerate… Right?

What is accepting what is?

Accepting is saying yes to. You could also say: when you are accepting something, you give it permission to be exactly the way it is, and not be what it isn’t.

There is no “it should be different”, and there is no “it should not be” or “should not be the way it is.”
Continue reading “Want to be happy? here are the steps”

Do your own thinking… but how?

stampede_african_cape_buffalo_herdYou need to do your own thinking. Why? 2 Because that is what it means to be human. Don’t know how? You are not alone. Schools don’t teach thinking, because it cannot be standardized, and because a thinker cannot be controlled as sheep.

Here are some methods of thinking, in bold strokes:

  1. One would think that if you sit by yourself and use the mind to reshuffle all the information you have consciously or unconsciously gathered, then you can do effective thinking, an maybe some people can, although the methods of doing this kind of thinking require a lot of writing.
    Continue reading “Do your own thinking… but how?”

Your brain is broken… How long before you realize?


Ostriches Don’t Hide Their Heads in the Sand, humans do

One of the problems I see with any of the things that I teach is: they all require you to look. To get your head out of your arse, and look.

Get out of your mind and look. Look at your body, your feelings, your emotions, then look if that is true for you.

Ask yourself what you think… you’ll be surprised how different answer you get from that question than the dazed nodding machine that did the reading…
Continue reading “Your brain is broken… How long before you realize?”

Caterpillar to Butterfly vs Human to Human Being

Caterpillar to Butterfly vs Human to Human Being

umbrella1What Is The Difference Between A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly And A Human Becoming A Human Being?

If the caterpillar/butterfly analogy were a good one, every human would be on their way to become a Human Being. It would be a DNA imperative: you would go whether you want or not. Human Being is not coded into your DNA. The space is there, the potential is there, but you need to activate it.
Continue reading “Caterpillar to Butterfly vs Human to Human Being”

REALMeditation: why and how should you meditate

REALMeditation: why and how should you meditate

concentrate-the-mind-on-theThe purpose of meditation is to be able to live in the present, powerfully. That is to say: not an experience, some some mystical “meditation experience” like you thought it would be. Meditation experience, if any, is the booby prize… and many fall into that trap… Clear indication that they went into some la-la-land, half-asleep, all mind-induced. I have students like this, they are miserable in their lives.

The purpose of meditation is to be able to live in the present, powerfully… and be happy, joyful, fulfilled… and all that lovely stuff you say you want. Continue reading “REALMeditation: why and how should you meditate”