Money: how to make more of it, how to keep more of it… a series. Part 1.

money is tightMoney is tight, and has been for the past six weeks. Why? I don’t know.

As my habit, if I don’t know something… I start experimenting, examining different avenues that promise to get one to a desired outcome… in this case a steady income.

I am going to adhere to certain rules

Rule #1: the goals need to be realistic: i.e. based in reality, not a pipe-dream. This means, taking into consideration all and all sorts of limitations… instead of what YOU normally do, ignore them.
Rule #2: I will keep in mind short term and long term goals, at the same time. Ignoring this rule is detrimental to your life, not just to your success.

I will examine all teachings, some I will test, some I will meditate over.

I’ll start with what I have already tested, if you don’t mind.

Money is tight around here

Greasing the chute… i.e. making money move.

Continue reading “Money: how to make more of it, how to keep more of it… a series. Part 1.”

Why aren’t your affirmations make money appear for you?

Why aren’t your affirmations make money appear for you?

effortless abundance the remedyCan you change by changing what you say?

Back in 1987 I took a course about money. I had been poor, just a tad poorer than most of my life.

I remember working in New York City as an architect for hire, freezing my ears off… the weather always felt worse in the wind-tunnels of the New York City streets.

My two big investments were ear muffs and boots. It was more important than food: you can be hungry and alive… these were mostly my two choices: full or alive. Continue reading “Why aren’t your affirmations make money appear for you?”

How come humanity hasn’t evolved the past 50 thousand years?

child-dog-kid-photografy-125142How come that humanity hasn’t evolved the past 50 thousand years? What is, what has been preventing it from naturally evolving, from going to the next stage of evolution where freedom, joy, is normal like breathing.

My personal vote goes for the lazy mind. The mind phenomenon that supposes that everything is already known, and all you have to do is find the person who knows the answer.

That you don’t need to think, research, compare, look at the big picture, all you have to do is accept the “truth” from whoever is offering it.
Continue reading “How come humanity hasn’t evolved the past 50 thousand years?”

Transformation: Making the impossible possible

Transformation: Making the impossible possible

We all live in a paradigm. It is our model of reality.

Our paradigm is bordered and separated from higher paradigms by all the things that we know. Not what we believe, but what we know.

Beliefs are content in a paradigm, but don’t define it. The paradigm defines the content, the paradigm defines the beliefs. Continue reading “Transformation: Making the impossible possible”

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?
lying to yourself is not allowing yourself to be who you areDo you get hooked? People pushing your buttons?

Ultimately, every time you encounter something you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with, your first reaction is resistance, i.e. not allowing what you don’t like to be. Continue reading “What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?”

Bits and pieces on misery and happiness


You will see what makes your right

Wherever you look, whatever you hear, whatever you read, seems to make your theories right. Men are bastards, the boss favors someone else, the weather is horrid in your area, and you’ll always be the way you are.

No matter how much “data” is in reality to say otherwise, you’ll only validate the “data” that agrees with your worldview.

Somewhere is better than here.
Continue reading “Bits and pieces on misery and happiness”

Thinking vs. Having Thoughts… that is the question

Thinking vs. Having Thoughts…  that is the question

A Reclaim participant writes:

Sophie – I like the way your articles guide (or sometimes the word is more appropriately ‘prod’) me in the right direction. It’s like getting extra coaching every day. My favorites this week are ‘the highest and most effective skill you can learn is to allow things to be exactly the way they are’. And ‘be observing the mind, not identify with the mind’. When I really get them, not ‘understanding’ with the mind but really get them, they help me move right into the Observer position, my current assignment. How great is that!

My answer:

Wonderful. Now, how about you learning it so deep that you don’t always need my articles to do it for you?

Continue reading “Thinking vs. Having Thoughts… that is the question”

Positive belief myths

positive beliefsIt is in the unsaid, it is the obvious that doesn’t need to be said, that dominant beliefs that keep us poor, miserable and sick are beliefs that are negative, about ourselves, or about money.

In my work with people, especially pulling the “therefore” of the dominant belief, and pulling the anchor to their doom, I find that about 50% of people have a dominant belief that is a “positive” belief.

Men have it more than women, by my experience.
Continue reading “Positive belief myths”

The most instructional movie to illustrate consciousness awakening

that look is the first look of awakening consciousnessIn this movie, a man, unconscious of himself, his actions, of anything about himself, starts to hear his life narrated in his head (the Observer or the Witness), and starts living his life from that perspective, outside of his body, outside of his mind.

The movie is brilliant. Stranger than fiction. It stars Will Farrell, and Will Farrel could be you.

Now, here is a clue about you: how you will read this article can tell you everything about you.

How you do anything is how you do everything.

  • It will tell you your future more reliably than anything else you could hear or read.
  • It will tell you your level of intelligence.
  • It will tell you what you can hope to get out of my products, my courses, my work. Reliably.

Continue reading “The most instructional movie to illustrate consciousness awakening”

Your dominant belief gone: It is actions that change your life, but what is there to do?

not thoughts, actionsNote: In this article I will use action and behavior interchangeably…

If you have ever attended a course on making money, or starting a business, you will recall the leader’s frantic call for “massive action.” Then they achieve a whopping 1% actually doing it.

Why is this call frantic? Why does it have to be said? And why does it fail?

Because people have a life already, perfectly and totally defined by their current actions.

Actions come from a place that is unfamiliar or unknown to most people. Most of the actions are habitual, ineffective, and there is no room for new actions, or the new, prescribed actions directly conflict with the habitual actions.
Continue reading “Your dominant belief gone: It is actions that change your life, but what is there to do?”