Money is tight, and has been for the past six weeks. Why? I don’t know.
As my habit, if I don’t know something… I start experimenting, examining different avenues that promise to get one to a desired outcome… in this case a steady income.
I am going to adhere to certain rules
Rule #1: the goals need to be realistic: i.e. based in reality, not a pipe-dream. This means, taking into consideration all and all sorts of limitations… instead of what YOU normally do, ignore them.
Rule #2: I will keep in mind short term and long term goals, at the same time. Ignoring this rule is detrimental to your life, not just to your success.
I will examine all teachings, some I will test, some I will meditate over.
I’ll start with what I have already tested, if you don’t mind.
Greasing the chute… i.e. making money move.
Continue reading “Money: how to make more of it, how to keep more of it… a series. Part 1.”