Can you conquer your laziness, your lack of action, your slacker nature… Your sissy nature?

Can you conquer your laziness, your lack of action, your slacker nature… Your sissy nature?

In this article we’ll go deep into what’s going on, inside you, that fails you… We’ll look at different schools of thought to do that. Understanding the inner dynamic is the first step towards success.

That, and knowing that every number in your Starting Point Measurements can be changed… Nothing is fixed. Not even your DNA.

If you look at yourself and your behavior, and then compare it with what you say, what you’ve said, there is rarely any similarity between the person who spoke and the person who acts.

It’s quite confusing.

If the mindpower people were correct, if their model were accurate, your actions would come from your thoughts.

But they don’t… Continue reading “Can you conquer your laziness, your lack of action, your slacker nature… Your sissy nature?”

The tyranny of the right and wrong… your vibration is low if you are under the tyranny

The tyranny of the right and wrong… your vibration is low if you are under the tyranny

Because of the filters on the Tree of Knowledge, one thing, the fundamental difference between the two trees isn’t getting through, I haven’t been able to teach it effectively.

The Tree of Knowledge was called, in the Old Testament, The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil… if my bible knowledge is accurate.

In that paradigm of good and evil there is no neutral. There is no other option but pick one.

Life is fundamentally different from that narrow view of life.

Anyone and everyone who views the world through that kind of filter: positive/negative, good/bad, true/false, right/wrong, etc. is low vibration, low intelligence, and low everything.


Because you think the filter is the world.
Continue reading “The tyranny of the right and wrong… your vibration is low if you are under the tyranny”

The difference: on the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Life?

The difference: on the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Life?

What is the biggest difference between living on the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life?

Words are not the thing they symbolize. If you write “dog” that is not a dog, that is just ink on paper, or the idea of a dog.

A dog is physical. It had a beginning and an end, a birth and a death, and it even began before it was born.

It is the result of a physical process that takes time, takes ingredients, takes caring, takes doing.

You cannot go from the idea of a dog to dog, or the idea of death to death.

It is easy and fast, lightning fast, to have an idea. And it is easy to think that ideas are the thing they symbolize.

That happiness comes from words, or being comes from words, or health comes from words.

It is easy to be duped like that. Continue reading “The difference: on the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Life?”

How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears

How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears

Countries, people, soul corrections, have different attitudes to doing things. 1

Hungary (country), Finish What you Start (soul correction), England (country, ethnicity), especially, have an attitude of “How hard can it be?”

And they fancy themselves all-knowing, all-expert at everything.

My brother calls this the “do it yourself” culture.

And utter disrespect for people with experience, education, expertise. Or for skills, expertise, experience, and learning.

I worked as an architect in Hungary, for 11 years. Every client knew everything better. They considered me their guy who puts the stamp to their plan so they can get a building permit.

My brother was in a different profession, and his experience was the same: no humility, no sense of what it takes to actually be good at something, to see things fully. Continue reading “How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears”

What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?

What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?

The world has never been so divided.

The dividing criteria is intellectual and spiritual abilities, the ability to tell truth from falsehood. To interact with reality the way reality is… not how it should be.

The stupid is becoming stupider, and the smart remains the same. Said in another way: the underachiever is stuck there… and more are joining him. 2

In this article I’ll look what may be a linchpin issue, and how you can start moving from the hopelessly stupid to the smart camp.

Here are a few contenders to being the linchpin issue:

Continue reading “What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?”

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from ADD, frustration, depression, anger, and more

“It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.”

Of all the 10 starting point measurements, the most telling is your TLB score.

It tells me, and it tells you, how much discomfort you are able to experience and not run away mentally, emotionally, or physically. And therefore it tells you whether you can have the good life, health, wealth, love and fulfillment… or not.

Its activating mechanism is below your conscious awareness, and is quite habitual.

In modern parlance they call it “Attention Deficit”… but it’s B.S.

As long as there is no structural difference between an ADD person’s brain and a person who can stay planted… attentive, it is more a habit than a disease. Continue reading “Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…”

High vibration – low vibration: what does it really signify? What does it really mean?

High vibration – low vibration: what does it really signify? What does it really mean?

the dark side of leavesEveryone wants to have their vibration measured. But they don’t know how to measure vibration, and they don’t know what the number they get means.

This is an old article that is as relevant today as it was when I wrote it. It clarifies what low vibration, high vibration is, and how to raise your vibration…

I woke up late today. I could recall my dream. It was nightmarish, but it was a guidance dream. A first in a long long time.

I was in a mental hospital, in Hungary, talking to my psychiatrist; young,innocent, pregnant, terrified of me.

I was explaining that we all have a dark side, as long as the light source is outside of ourselves. She asked: even a sheet of paper has a dark side? Yes, no matter how thin paper is it has a dark side.

Slice it even thinner… but…

No matter how thinly you slice the paper, it will still have a dark side and a light side.

That was the dream… the rest of the guidance happened while I was sitting in the cold room on the edge of my bed… the only way to have no dark side is to be the Light.

Which means…
Continue reading “High vibration – low vibration: what does it really signify? What does it really mean?”

What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ

What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ

I just finished reading an article online, a National Geographic article on genius.

Like Tai makes us look at billionaires to learn from. I am looking at genius to learn from how to teach you.

I’ve read the article. I found it occasionally irritating.

It’s not a conscious irritation, like “nooo, you don’t know! or Nooo, not true!” you often experience when you hear something or read something you don’t like.

This was an irritation I just noticed… after I read the article. Continue reading “What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ”

Let’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality…

Let’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality…

your self is what keeps you straightLet’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality… and Self that is more important than balance

First off: about the Tree of Knowledge.

The purpose of the Tree of Knowledge is to keep you from doing your own assessments, to take ready ideas and swallow them whole. Ultimately the aim of the Tree of Knowledge is to keep you in sheep state.

If you ever visited a mental institution, you have seen the zombie-like patients, that whenever they started to act as people, they were injected with chemicals, to make them comply.

The Tree of Knowledge is the larger than a psychiatric ward solution to the same “problem”. The Tree of Knowledge controls you with words and words that carry emotions.

Easy peasy… Continue reading “Let’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality…”

If you can understand it, it is probably not true

If you can understand it, it is probably not true

This is part 2 of the article “The crucial difference between people who are on the top and you

I will start with a confession: this is new knowledge. I myself have been part of the “not on the top” people…

Let me explain what happened.

About a month ago I read an article that had a list of 20 books that Charlie Munger recommends. Continue reading “If you can understand it, it is probably not true”