Can you increase your IQ, and if yes, how? Let me share how I did it.

Can you increase your IQ, and if yes, how? Let me share how I did it.

increase your IQWhat is the ultimate context difference between low and high vibration, low intelligence and high intelligence? Or asked differently: can you increase your IQ?

Instead of IQ tests, a single number, we should have, like I do, a detailed assessment system. It is more guiding about how one can increase their results in life.

I am looking at myself. I am playing Freecell. What do I do to win every game? I use foresight. I use holding more than one item in my brain. I use fuzzy viewing: no focus. I use astuteness: which is seeing AND recognizing, accurately what I see. I also recognize patterns, and I am flexible: each game has different patterns embedded.

Chess players don’t have a high IQ when they start out. Their IQ grows as they use and develop the same capacities I use in Freecell, just further.

I’ve raised my IQ 30 points with my Freecell practice. I teach you to increase your IQ too Continue reading “Can you increase your IQ, and if yes, how? Let me share how I did it.”