Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money

Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money

not perfection... valueWhy do we need this commandment? should’t you thrive to perfection?

No, you shouldn’t. Measuring yourself against perfection makes you look and feel inadequate… and therefore you stop generating anything.

Money is a value exchange. And for value to be there, what you exchange for it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to have value in the eyes of the purchaser. Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money”

Thou Shall Prosper: Money comes to you via people

Thou Shall Prosper: Money comes to you via people
expand your networkThe Second commandment of Prosperity: Extend the Network of Your Connectedness to Many People…

Before I continue on why and how your relationships are probably the most important component in making money… let’s look at the difference between rich and prosperous.

Prosperous is not only a state where you have abundance of stuff, it is also a sense that you are growing, expanding, getting more from life than if you weren’t prosperous, regardless of the money aspect.

Stagnant, not growing, doesn’t delight the soul.

Some 35 years ago I heard a profound interview where the interviewee said that only when someone looks at the future and sees growth that they experience themselves rich, while stagnation fills the heart with fear, anxiety, and a whiff of death.

When you just want to make money you are missing this important distinction.

Here are two quotes: Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: Money comes to you via people”

How do you become equal to what life throws at you?

How do you become equal to what life throws at you?

This is a long article… it explains some things everyone has misunderstood… and chances are, most will still misunderstand after reading this article…

As I have said before, one of the best ways to find out what a word REALLY means is to see how other languages say it.

Your vocabulary, your accurate vocabulary is the level of the truth value of your knowledge, of your thinking. Continue reading “How do you become equal to what life throws at you?”