Resistance, avoidance, flexibility… pushing on a string

Resistance, avoidance, flexibility… pushing on a string

I have an inquiry to engage in, a puzzle to solve, so instead of doing it in my head, I’ll do it in this article…

The puzzle is resistance. Resistance to guidance, resistance to changing your mind, changing your attitude, changing your behavior, changing where you look from. CHANGE.

To adapt. To using your intelligence. After all, the measure of intelligence is the ability to change. Continue reading “Resistance, avoidance, flexibility… pushing on a string”

The pretense to know… and cancer. The pursuit of smarts

The pretense to know… and cancer. The pursuit of smarts

That’s me on the picture, 20 years ago… Waiting to get wet on the USA side of Niagara Falls… A perfect example of becoming… Scared, anticipating, not knowing what is going to happen.

We, humans, negotiate our way in life… with circumstances, schedules, things, and other people. From cradle to grave… we could say, that is life… negotiating every step, winning some and losing some.

But here is the thing: the rules are not clear, not clean, and not overt.

You cannot be sure what constitutes winning, and what constitutes losing a step… in fact, most steps: you have no idea.

But, as society, as a race, we have trained ourselves to pretend: to look as if we knew… maybe even feel as if we knew. Continue reading “The pretense to know… and cancer. The pursuit of smarts”

Pretense. authenticity. the zig-zag path to yourself

Pretense. authenticity. the zig-zag path to yourself
  • don't wish it was easier“Don’t wish it were easier: wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom” said Jim Rohn
  • I want to be loved just the way I am… say most people.
  • You are already perfect…
  • The marriage of these three differing points of view is the state of humanity right now: rampant pretense… and utter misery.

The pretense prevents most everyone from becoming better. From building skills. From attaining wisdom.

The pretense is like a 2 feet by 4 feet jail cell… tight, restrictive, unpleasant. Continue reading “Pretense. authenticity. the zig-zag path to yourself”