There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it

There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it
Intelligence is being able to tell the difference. The difference between something being wrong and you not liking it. Intelligence begins there.

If you can’t tell the difference, then you will continue to collapse the two. And you are the person about whom the saying goes: for you everything is the same as everything else… except that not always. No distinction. Clueless. Not a compliment.

In essence you will be the guy who cannot tell their ass from your elbow. In my experience you’ll be always angry, or sad, or disappointed. or feel slighted, not loved, lonely, deprived, bored, trying, attacked. the billions of moves that keep you unhappy… unfulfilled. Continue living a subhuman life.

No distinction? No intelligence.

Continue reading “There’s a difference between it’s wrong and I don’t like it”

What do your human predatory genes do? Make you do…

What do your human predatory genes do? Make you do…

coyotes and predatory genesWhat do your predatory genes do? judging from what happens when some are turned off, and some are turned on?

Some things in reality are outside of our direct knowledge. but we can still glean an insight by observing what happens when we tweak them, turn them off, turn them on.

One of the most memorable things I have ever read was in a book The Terminal Man. In the beginning, scientists want to find out what area of the brain is responsible for certain behaviors, certain memories… Continue reading “What do your human predatory genes do? Make you do…”

The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?

The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?

uncatchable ballWe are definitely dealing with something that feels like an uncatchable ball.

We find something and it turns out not to be THE BALL… and we need to go and find another ball to catch… but instead of being able to catch it, it slips out of our grasp.

Why are we even trying?

Because unless and until we catch it and have it in our grasp, firmly, our lives cannot change, our performance cannot change, we cannot really get to where we love ourselves, love our lives, and live it powerfully.

This uncatchable ball is small, slippery, and evasive.

And we want to catch it… If nothing else, I am tenacious… And so help me god, I’ll catch it. Identify it, if it takes me a hundred articles… I will. For you, and for me.

This article is an attempt to catch it… The next article is already written and will come out later today…
Continue reading “The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?”

The human spirit and the predatory genes…

The human spirit and the predatory genes…

who wears the pants in this relationship? predatory genesI’ve done thousands of starting point measurements, muscletest 34 things about you, that measure the inner struggle between the predatory genes, the soul, and the spirit.

It is one thing to do thousands of these, and quite another to measure the same person monthly, or frequently. The insights come from seeing what behaviors, what moods, what results correlate with what measurements.

In this article I will talk about those correlations, in the context of power vs. force, spirit vs. predatory genes.

I’ll begin with a little history: the term predatory genes came from a book, The Cure by Douglas Richards.

Continue reading “The human spirit and the predatory genes…”

Nature or nurture? Are you born a republican? a democrat?

Nature or nurture? Are you born a republican? a democrat?

Why is there such a sharp and irreconcilable difference between the right and the left in the world? The answer is in the invisible realm of reality…

There are many things I can measure in a human… while I am connected to Source. The language between Source (aka All-Knowledge, or the Zero point field) is muscletesting. It has a limited vocabulary: yes, no, and somewhat yes and somewhat no. And an occasional ‘I don’t know’ Continue reading “Nature or nurture? Are you born a republican? a democrat?”

The runt of the litter and predatory genes

The runt of the litter and predatory genes

In nature when a mother has a litter, there may be one or two that will not grow up to be adults… because there is just not enough tits, food, energy, attention is for them.

That is life.

Nature doesn’t like to waste energy… Humans do.

Humans invented morality and the right to live, regardless whether it makes sense or not, so we have an upside down world, where we live in a should world. The selfish gene is not happy…

One of the things that make one the runt of the litter is not enough Life-Force… Life Force, at least partially, is expressed in the number of predatory genes, where you would push away another puppy from the food, so you can eat more. Continue reading “The runt of the litter and predatory genes”

What does your pretense do to you and your life?

shark and seal I just had a conversation with a long-time student of mine who hasn’t been coming to any of my classes, but still follows my teachings..

She bought the Big Bundle of energies… for the second time, So instead of giving her a refund, I opted to adjust her predatory genes, and also her oldest son’s.

They both had 10 predatory genes active, and they were both miserable… trying to force life to fit them, instead of gently and naturally fit themselves to life… to reality. Continue reading “What does your pretense do to you and your life?”

From the limited perspective of the human mind…

From the limited perspective of the human mind…

I just had this interesting idea, that your usable intelligence, your overall intelligence may be the number that tells us how limited the perspective of YOUR mind… in actuality, not the potential.

I have students who have a better brain and yet lower IQ. And I have students who have a lesser brain and yet a higher IQ. This is very important: your race, your inherited innate brain power doesn’t limit you, because your ‘mind’ is limited by the perspective you have for life… This is why with training you can get better, a whole lot better. Continue reading “From the limited perspective of the human mind…”

Brain health, brain power, brain usage…

For to the ones who use it, more will be given, and they will have an abundance, but from the ones who use it not, even what they have will be taken away

for those who use it well, much more will be givenBrain health, brain power, brain usage… how does it relate to your mood about your life? to the size of your life, to your happiness and fulfillment?

I am on the mend. It feels weird…

All my life I wanted to get sympathy for poor me… because I didn’t think I deserved anything more.

And I am noticing that I want to complain, that I am afraid that if I tell you I am getting well, you won’t want to give me anything… not business, not love, not anything. Weird. A strong pull. Continue reading “Brain health, brain power, brain usage…”

I am going to toot my own horn… if I don’t, maybe no one will

tooting my own hornIf you are not for you, who is for you? (~Hillel)

If You Don’t Toot Your Own Horn, Who Will?

One of the results I got out of having my own predatory genes adjusted from zero to three, is self-appreciation. I now own my results. I am proud of them. Not too much… just as much as they deserve to be proud of.

Finally Hillel the elder would be proud of me. Having no predatory genes, I was never fully be able to be for myself… I always hoped that someone will come and rescue me. Continue reading “I am going to toot my own horn… if I don’t, maybe no one will”