You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist

You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist
You are flaccid, impotent, ignored… so you resist forcefully

Some terms of contradiction in the title, wouldn’t you agree?

But, of course, only on the surface.

If you feel powerless, which is the word I would use to cover all those colorful aspects with just one word… If you feel powerless, you’re, instinctively, going to use force… because it is natural.

I can’t even blame you for it. Continue reading “You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist”

Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?

Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?

I have been observing that someone from Tallin, Estonia, a former Soviet Union country, has been spending time on my site.

And then in yesterday’s email, Vishen Lakhiani from Mind Valley announced a new masterclass: Unconditional Self-Love.

I don’t know what his wife is going to teach on that masterclass, but I know one thing: it will be, most likely, really beautiful, nice, heartwarming, and utterly ineffective. Why?

Answering that why is what this article is about… what they won’t teach you at Mindvalley. Continue reading “Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?”

Either write something worth reading, or be someone worth writing about

Either write something worth reading, or be someone worth writing about

Actually, the original Ben Franklin quote is: Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing (about). Leave the world a better place than it was before you were born, because of your actions.

I didn’t think it was in me… so I settled for something small. I decided to plant a tree every year… there are too few trees in my humble but accurate opinion.

Then my landlord cut them, not all but most… and I got disheartened. Continue reading “Either write something worth reading, or be someone worth writing about”