Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people

Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people
Bad News? Good News?

Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people. Love, belonging, being heard, appreciation, validation, money, sex, teaching, learning, enjoyment… everything… Unless you have someone witness your life, nothing gives you pleasure…

OK… maybe on a desert island this is not 100% true… unless we consider that you for yourself is also “people”… and unless you give it to you you won’t have it. That is witnessing, that is validation, etc.

In order to truly give it to yourself, you need to learn to bi-locate. To be at two places at once. Not physically, but mentally, experientially.

That capacity is also the cornerstone of being able to sell… The only way to make money, by the way. Continue reading “Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people”

Stopping something harmful is more potent than…

Stopping something harmful is more potent than…

Stopping something harmful is more potent than starting something useful

I didn’t know what willpower was, I didn’t know I had it until this afternoon.

I was reading an incredibly interesting book, by Ben Settle, and eccentric copywriter and marketer… Continue reading “Stopping something harmful is more potent than…”