Confidentiality Agreement When You Are In A Paid Course

Confidentiality Agreement When You Are In A Paid Course

I Was Stupid Or Why Do You Need To Sign A Confidentiality Agreement When You Are In A Paid Course

Most of us are in this work, teacher and student alike, to raise our vibration. In my programs the specific purpose is to develop a core group of the New Humanity through a combination of raising the vibration and new ways of being.

But some people, students and gurus alike, are in this work for their own purposes

For personal significance, money, world dominance… everybody has their purpose and reason.

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Raising The Vibration Of The Planet? why a human?

Raising The Vibration Of The Planet? why a human?

In the past 36 hours, I have been torn between wanting to have MY life, MY work to be witnessed, and getting the work done.

The question naturally rises: why does Source need a human to do that? Can’t it just do it, no human involved? The answer is “no.” The agreement between The Light and The Vessel was Free Will, Free Agency. But a representative of The Vessel CAN speak for The Vessel, however many souls there are (7 billion?) and that is why there is a need for at least ONE human to be involved. Continue reading “Raising The Vibration Of The Planet? why a human?”