Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?

Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?

the 10000 hoursI am an architect by training. I graduated with an ms in architecture back in 1971… 50 years ago. I ‘practiced’ architecture for about 50 thousand hours… My classmates who didn’t quit in 1988… ditto. I won competitions, an award of excellence… My 10 thousand hours plus ‘worked as predicted’… their: not so much.

But all in all, I got excellent in a profession that was a poor match for my personality: I am a words person and a thinker.

I don’t even waste a glance at building nowadays: obviously my heart isn’t into it.

I did want something… wasn’t sure what though… So when in 1988 I was unemployed I was ‘forced to look’ what would light that fire. Continue reading “Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?”

What’s blocking you from having a fulfilled life?

What’s blocking you from having a fulfilled life?

orphaned fawnDon’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and
do that. Because what the world needs is people who come alive. ~Nelson Mandela

There is a word in Hungarian. It is very expressive, a word I ponder… a lot.

It is “elanyatlanodik”. If I want to translate, so I don’t lose the root, it means becoming a motherless orphan.

The word indicates that a child, at any age, goes through a fundamental loss when they lose the mother.

Half of my students, in some emotional way, lost their mother, the other half would have been better off losing their mother.

What do I mean? Continue reading “What’s blocking you from having a fulfilled life?”