I don’t want to be judged! you cry. But YOU judge everything and everyone…

Why would you think that someone will judge you? Simple… you have already judged yourself.

But why would you? Not everyone judge themselves. I, for example, don’t… or not often at all. I often assess myself, my behavior, my looks, my stuff… but assessment does not carry condemnation in it, and it doesn’t carry praise in it either.

What is the difference between judgment and assessment 1 ?

The main difference is fixed mindset.

In judgment, the judging person lives as if there were a fixed good or bad, smart or stupid, right or wrong. And then they act as if they were assigned the job of judging…

So a high fixed mindset plus arrogance, superiority, plus high desire/low ambition numbers.

I have found that people with this combination are unable, unwilling, or resistant to do the work of the Playground. Continue reading “I don’t want to be judged! you cry. But YOU judge everything and everyone…”

You cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?

What capacity is missing so that you cannot tell, you cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?

I think this is the main issue for people who cannot grow… even if they keep on having private sessions, do all my courses, or all Landmark Education courses, or all Mindvalley courses, or use energy stuff… mine or others’.

When you put something they know some other environment, they don’t recognize it in a different environment, a different context.

So what is the missing capacity, you wonder… And how can anyone dream up a method to teach it?

A little historical view of how humans evolved (or not) during their lifetimes in previous times… Continue reading “You cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?”

Everyone wants to be self-confident why? how? What you need?

Everyone wants to be self-confident why? how? What you need?

Confidence: firm trust, a sense of self, appreciation someone’s proven track record

If you look up the word in the dictionary, that is not what you find.

All dictionaries are now in step with the tendency to make words vague, not matching the reality… this word is a crucial word in your vocabulary. Unless you get this right, your chances of having a self, and thus the chance for self-confidence are between zero and none.

No one takes my Starting Point Measurements seriously. How do I know? Because I have literally haven’t had anyone ask clarifying questions about certain key concepts that will make or break you… Not even one.

For example, no one has asked me what is awareness really? Or what is trust? Or goodness… etc. Continue reading “Everyone wants to be self-confident why? how? What you need?”

If adaptability is the most fundamental predictor…

If adaptability is the most fundamental predictor…

…then your most important concern should be: how can I can more adaptable … right?

In you our relationship to life so you can have more chance for a happy life.

Darwin said that the species that is the most adaptable to changes will survive.

One can also say that it is true not just for a species but also for individuals.

Adaptable doesn’t mean meek, doesn’t mean able to subsist in suboptimal circumstances, it actually means being able to thrive no matter what’s going on. Adapt and initiate. Continue reading “If adaptability is the most fundamental predictor…”

You are a bad neighborhood — eliminate your influence on your water

If, in spite of all your efforts, your cell hydration hasn’t gone up, I need to suspect that you, unintentionally, de-energize your water… that your presence lowers vibration, makes water incoherent.

I remember when someone was told this same things, with slightly different words… They told him that the grass doesn’t grow where he treads.

If your water isn’t responding to the Water Energizer energy as expected, or one moment it is energized/coherent, the next it isn’t… more often than not it an the environmental issue. Thunderstorms, Noreaster, you or some other people getting access to your house bringing down the vibration of the water.

I found out a few years ago that the simple Source energy, the Energizer, is vulnerable to Fourth Plane, man made energies. 1 Continue reading “You are a bad neighborhood — eliminate your influence on your water”

Your life and principles… Ask: To what end? What life you want to have had on your deathbed?

This article is stream of consciousness… I apologize for that.

Principles 1 are tricky. Depending on your level of vibration, on the size of your cone of vision, on the number and size of patterns you can see, you’ll translate the principle down to your size.

A principle says something to me, and another thing to you.

And yet, being guided by principles, your results in life will be happier than if you choose to live your life from vague longings, goals, or following how the ones went before you lived their lives. Continue reading “Your life and principles… Ask: To what end? What life you want to have had on your deathbed?”

Shall I become popular, or shall I choose to do the work

Shall I become popular, or shall I choose to do the work no one else can do but needs to be done? You either do one or the other…

I am still looking at how to become an influencer… 1

It’s not really my ambition… 2 I am much more comfortable doing my thing and barely be noticed. But it seems that in today’s day and age, unless you do a lot of hoopla, loud, self-promotion, partnering up with high visibility people, and other fashionable strategies, becoming an influencer is impossible.

I am still looking if I really want to become an influencer or not.

I learned about becoming an influencer from Tai’s free video on trend stacking.



A trend is, in this context, something that is becoming a fashion more and more. Something that has reached the masses and now they are jumping on the bandwagon. Popular…

My body is responding to this idea with massive indication that this is not my path. And yet…

And yet… increasing my sphere of influence, 3 even just doubling it would mean I can work with more people.

Judging from the past, each additional 100 people deliver, on average, one person who can and is willing to do the work to become worth a damn. Continue reading “Shall I become popular, or shall I choose to do the work”

How to Be the Type of Person Everyone Wants to Know

How to Be the Type of Person Everyone Wants to Know

Here is an article that has truth in it, but not the whole truth. The article is a typical psychological take on a human condition… and is incomplete.

Here is an example of what a 7% truth value is, and what is missing to make it acceptable… and no, a 7% truth value is not acceptable.

I am going to attempt to add some of my own discoveries… to bring it up to a higher, hopefully much higher level of truth value…

First: read the article. I felt horrible reading it, because it made me feel bad about myself. Not many people consider me good company… so I definitely don’t qualify to being the type of person everyone wants to know.

At the same time my fixed mindset is only 7%… so what’s going on?

I’ll explain after the article… but first read it, OK? Continue reading “How to Be the Type of Person Everyone Wants to Know”

There are no good energies and bad energies…

There are no good energies and bad energies…

There are no good energies and bad energies. There are no light energies and dark energies. There is only energy.

Good and bad, dark and light, are moral judgments, also called systemic judgments, or black and white worldview.

What is prompting this topic is that today is Day or Power, which means a huge energy influx from the Light… the Energy Source of the Universe.

Energy dissipates, and for the world, the universe to keep on going, it is getting a twice a month energy infusion from where it has all come.

I am not saying this is the truth, but by all measures, this seems to match my experience, and my muscletesting through Source, also known as the Zero Point Field. Continue reading “There are no good energies and bad energies…”

Why you don’t deserve to enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Why you don’t deserve to enter the Kingdom of Heaven

I am not religious.

If I practiced any religion, I guess, it would be Judaism… given that I am Jewish…

Until a certain point in my life I adhered to the “religion” of dialectic materialism, which teaches that matter is the defining and spirit is secondary. I even argued with my Jewish philosophy teacher.

I admit, I am not smart enough to even know what that means. That is what I learned. The words. Continue reading “Why you don’t deserve to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”