What makes you who you are today? Do you know?

What makes you who you are today? Do you know?

What makes you who you are today?Is it the past? Is it the future? What gives your actions in the present? What makes you you? What creates who you are right now?

I just watched a few short films that were winners or nominated to the Academy Awards in recent years. Continue reading “What makes you who you are today? Do you know?”

The future you create with your words needs you to…

The future you create with your words needs you to…

You create your future with your words… spoken or unspoken.

What is a future?

A future is not real… and yet it appears real. There is no past in reality and there is no future. Only the present moment, how things are.

The past lives in your memory, 80% is words, 20% is perception organs information. But even those 20% are “colored” by what you said about it.

I have had quite a few Irish clients who were disciplined by their parents, mostly the mother. It was a ritual. Pull down your pants, fetch the paddle or the ladle or the hairbrush for your mother… lie over her knees, and there you went. You knew what you did that didn’t meet your mother’s expectations of you.

I was beaten out of anger… and I never knew what I did wrong. Didn’t even guess. Continue reading “The future you create with your words needs you to…”