How to disappear all of your past… so you can have an empty future?

I was looking for good pictures to go with this topic, and I was struck to what degree people think that what they have as their past is what happened in the past.

100% of what happened, what you say happened, what you remember happened, actually didn’t happen. You only remember what you said about it… the meanings, the interpretations. Not what happened in reality.

Getting to see what is in reality, what was in reality, takes work, and a serious change in how you look.

This article will be most useful for my students, who have been doing that work for a long time, some of them as long as a full year…

So if what I am saying doesn’t make a lot of sense… consider that it should not… You don’t have the foundation, the skills, the capacities that only practice can give you… Real practice. Deliberate practice.

If you want the results my students are getting, you need to do the work my students are doing… in the Playground. Day in and day out… Continue reading “How to disappear all of your past… so you can have an empty future?”

If the invisible reality is invisible, how can you see it?

If the invisible reality is invisible, how can you see it?

This article is about one of those invisible dynamics mainly: the distinction: listening

All power is in the listening.

If you aren’t getting as much out of your participation with me and my stuff, then consider that it is not the stuff: it is you. You unconsciously or consciously block, invalidate, judge, agree or disagree with what I say.

I often catch myself with hate and grief arising when I read or study someone’s stuff… and it takes a little bit to resolve that before I can get any benefit out of the reading or studying.

But I do it… Do you? I didn’t think so. Continue reading “If the invisible reality is invisible, how can you see it?”