Day 1-5 of Activation of All Humans on The Planet

Originally posted 2011-07-28 17:33:32.

activation of your Original Design Project: Full Activation of All Humans on Planet Earth
Phase 1
Target vibrational frequency: 299
Standard vibrational frequency before the activation: 151

From my journal:

Sunday morning I called N. in desperation. I felt alone, I felt desperation and hopelessness. It didn’t seem possible to cause a planetary shift even if I prepared a network powerful enough to support millions of people participating in it, at any one time.

As I was sharing with N. it occurred to me that maybe I have been looking in the wrong direction. Maybe I have already had the way.

I tested it on her, and by God it worked. She is the first person to ever experience full activation of the Original Design. Suitably she got really ill… darkness won’t give up easily.

I repeated the process with 3 more friends of mine, and at 10:30 pm I did it with myself.

Continue reading “Day 1-5 of Activation of All Humans on The Planet”

Increase Your Confidence by Fully Activating Your Original Design

Originally posted 2011-07-26 17:23:47.

increase your confidence by increasing your vibrational frequency

Increase Your Confidence by Raising your Vibration

As part of my effort to support you in realizing your potential with your new fully activated self, I recommend that you watch this Star Trek, The Next Generation episode: you’ll be surprised how similar the phenomenon in this old movie is to what happens in real life once you are activated.

The only difference is: this is permanent. The one in the movie was temporary. Enjoy.

Star Trek Episode “Nth Degree”

When you increase your vibration, you’ll see a significant increase of intelligence, grace, harmony, a certain sense of invulnerability and certainty. When you increase your confidence as a result of activating your Original Design, you will increase your confidence to new levels without arrogance, or getting conceited.

You will need to re-learn to live life on this higher level… but your increased confidence and intelligence level will help you in that.

The first few activated people have raised their vibration by 50% in one day. Not bad for a one-minute process… heh?

When you know what happened, you will increase your confidence even more… as it is shown in the movie above.

Activation and the aftermath – What To Expect After The Activation of The Original Design?

Originally posted 2011-07-26 16:11:41.

activation of the nadis... all of them.

Activation of the 10 billion nadis

Individual and partial activation downloads didn’t, in my experience, cause any symptoms other than an increase in capacities.

I am learning that full activation actually has some “healing crisis” type symptoms associated.

The circuits that weren’t used (ever) because they weren’t activated, once active, start burning off the crust. Activations that were done, out of sequence, if you are one of my testing clients, need to be deactivated before they can be activated again to integrate them into the upgraded whole.

I know it sounds outlandish, but imagine that you are a computer, and I performed a core processor upgrade, a ram upgrade, a power supply upgrade and an operating system upgrade on you all at once, while you were open, up and running.

Even when you do partial upgrade to a computer, in order for it to function properly, the computer needs to be restarted.

Maybe several times for the whole upgrade to get integrated into the more powerful whole.

This is what’s happening. There is no cause for alarm, instead, celebrate that a seemingly insignificant 1-minute connection really did something… good or bad, the verdict is the same: something was done, and that is good.

This is how it’s playing out for me, personally:

The first thing I experienced is all my previous activation disappearing. The second thing that happened is even more significant: the syntaxes between the two hemispheres of my brain shut down, and the repairs to my brain damage disappeared.

I found myself disoriented, almost unable to drive safely, and not able to put together coins to add up to a predefined sum.

A general fogginess took over, and it was a WTF experience. Lol.

Most of it blew over in about 3 hours, and it started 15 hours or so after the activation.

I am confident that by tomorrow I will be back where I was before the activation, and the growth will start to kick in.

I’ll let all of you know. My activation will mirror yours….

Activator Downloads… Activate The Original Design’s Circuits, The Divine Blueprint

Originally posted 2011-07-17 13:26:04.

circuits activated light up I saw another episode of Star Trek last night. The issue was if Lt. Data, an android, had the right for self-determination, or free will, like a human being. In the trial, the prosecutor studied Lt. Data’s design, and circuits, and to demonstrate that Lt. Data was a machine, he turned him off. It was like he killed Data, heart wrenching.

It occurred to me that human being is a superior machine, but its superiority depends on the number of active circuits…

Mr. Data illustrate that to have respect, self-respect, to honor, to be honest, to be courageous, and the list of these characteristics and abilities is long, is either active in a human being or not. But… it is there by design and the circuit can be activated.

Continue reading “Activator Downloads… Activate The Original Design’s Circuits, The Divine Blueprint”

Case Study #5: The Kabbalah Centre… red string, kabbalah

Originally posted 2011-06-26 13:25:19.

Case Study #5: The Kabbalah Centre… red string, kabbalah

In this article I intend to show that all man-made disciplines separate you from the Creator. This is true for Kabbalah as well. Though I love Kabbalah, and can thank a lot to Kabbalah… if delivers itself as a go-between, that reduces the risk of the Original Design.
Seven years ago, right after my incident with the free holosync cd, my friend Nancy called me to join her at Barnes and Noble.

When Nancy calls I jump. She has never driven me astray. Continue reading “Case Study #5: The Kabbalah Centre… red string, kabbalah”

Success as the destination causes a failed life

Success as the destination causes a failed life

In fact, it is not just success, but any supposedly positive outcome. When it is the focus, when it is the destination, it will cause a failed life. As certainly as that the sun will come up in the morning.

I have a student who wants to be worthy.

The question to ask: why? Why would you want to be worthy?

All your wants are fueled by a desire to fix.

It is human nature, it is not personal. What is personal is what you want to fix… not the desire to fix. The desire to fix is universal. Continue reading “Success as the destination causes a failed life”

The 3 levels of value: an amazing process to love yourself

The 3 levels of value: an amazing process to love yourself
In this article I’ll teach you something that has the potential to turn you into a happy, joyful person. No kidding.

Also, it can serve as the bridge between human and human being…

From that you can guess: the distinctions in this article are high level.

At present, if you are a ‘normal’ human, you are judging yourself and others. You are miserable, wretched, prone to get happy, get sad, get depressed at the drop of a hat. Continue reading “The 3 levels of value: an amazing process to love yourself”

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

rabbit_hole_webDistinctions could be your access to the mysteries of the universe. If you were curious. But most aren’t.

Distinctions are like a hole YOU punch into a yet solid wall.

When you look through the hole, you see stuff that you could not see before. You may have seen it from the side. You may have seen it from above. From below, but that certain angle looking through that hole gives you a view that goes deep into the mysteries of the Universe. Continue reading “Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe”

Raise Your Vibration: The Original Design

Raise Your Vibration: The Original Design

original design If you’ve known me and my work, you know that I talk to something I call Source. I begged Source for decades to allow me to do the work for it. Today I get all my knowledge from Source.

Our conversations happen on many levels. feelings, premonitions, dreams, stuff showing up when I need to deal with it. and also through things that I initiate: muscletesting yes/no answers. Continue reading “Raise Your Vibration: The Original Design”

Powerlessness comes with The Original Design

Powerlessness comes with The Original Design
Eliminate the Powerlessness of The Vessel

As far as I can see, feeling powerless, feeling at the mercy of something that is out of your control, is part of the human experience. In fact it is a fundamental part of the human experience. And it will be a part of the human experience, even after the activation of The Original Design where homo sapiens turns into Human Being.

Why is that part of the Original Design?

Continue reading “Powerlessness comes with The Original Design”