If it is all a process, then every single person needs…

If it is all a process, then every single person needs…
If it is all a process, then every single person needs to create a transformational ladder for themselves.

A transformational ladder is a process with milestones… Step zero, step 1 result 1, step 2 result 2,…. end result. Continue reading “If it is all a process, then every single person needs…”

The results of coaching depend on the client

The results of coaching depend on the client

No matter how skillful the guidance, the teaching, the coaching, the results will depend on the guided… On their skill and diligence.

And willingness.

Any guidance, any teaching, any coaching is choosing. And when you choose, unless you unchoose something you’ll stop and flail and stop moving. Continue reading “The results of coaching depend on the client”

The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago

The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago

theory that we live in a computer simulationWarning: this article is a likely story. A theory. A theory to explain something that doesn’t make sense…

So consume it with a grain of salt. But it’s not fake news… so don’t reject it without reading…

It’s about the current state of humanity, where humanity as a whole is on a dead end, not where the ‘original design’ clearly destined it…

The Original Design is spelled out in the DNA. The blueprint. The tools and the path to take.

Humanity got off this path, according to my muscletesting, seven thousand years ago. Continue reading “The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago”

An easy life is not the life worth living

An easy life is not the life worth living

find out your purposeWant an easy life?

Whatever you put your attention moves towards you.

If that is true, then you and your easy life are in trouble. If you want an easy life, that means you don’t like effort, discipline, you hate anything that is not easy… And guess what? Unconsciously that is where your attention goes… and that is what is moving towards you.

What!? I am glad I got your attention.

That statement is really about your UNCONSCIOUS attention… the place your mind wanders to without you even noticing it.

Like you I also craved an easy life… a life with no bumps in the road, a life that was flowing, gently. like a river.

I had affirmations, mindmovies, hypnotic audios all saying: my life is calm, and smooth… but what was coming to me is just the opposite… Continue reading “An easy life is not the life worth living”

You can take the girl out of the culture, but can’t take…

You can take the girl out of the culture, but can’t take…

You can take the girl out of the culture, but can’t that the culture out of the girl…

What culture am I talking about? The homo sapiens culture. The culture of the mind. The cult of the mind.

I am not the first person to talk about it, talk against it… Not even the second… lol.

But it is all in vain… Continue reading “You can take the girl out of the culture, but can’t take…”

Go for tada… it can take you a long way

Go for tada… it can take you a long way

In numerology, the number 4 is the luckiest number: because of it, like in a chimney, you can go up… no sideways moves.

As a young architect I was once sent to an industrial chimney, hundreds of meters tall… You climb it by a ladder… Yeah, that is what restrictions are… you either go up or down, not 360 degrees…

I just hung up the phone with a friend of mine who lives down the street.

She was railing about all the restrictions, and how miserable life has been, and how she has no ‘ta da’ experiences since the exercise classes have been canceled. Continue reading “Go for tada… it can take you a long way”

Too scared to get out of your rut? to even try?

Too scared to get out of your rut? to even try?

I looked at the current numbers of the epidemic in New York and in my city this morning.

I caught a glimpse that the websites now offer ‘mental health’ advice on how to cope. Continue reading “Too scared to get out of your rut? to even try?”

What do YOU organize your life around? Want or feel?

What do YOU organize your life around? Want or feel?

What do YOU organize your life around? what you want? what you feel?

Where do you look to see how you are doing? And where do you look to get the desired result?

Most people look at how they feel. Other people look in the mirror… Yet other people look at the feedback of others… or the sales numbers if they are selling something. Number of hours they have fun. Number of lovers, or number of times they get laid… Continue reading “What do YOU organize your life around? Want or feel?”

The little sh*t score makes its grand entrance…

The little sh*t score makes its grand entrance…

Transformation is not what the pictures say: you lost weight… no, that is not transformation.

Transformation is when what you see changes, without any changes in reality. What you see changes

  • because YOU changed, inside… or
  • because where you are looking from… your attitude, your vantage point… and now you see different.

The second way of transformation is often easier to get, but it still depends on its success on who you are inside…

If the inside doesn’t change, then the transformation disappears fast… in a blink of an eye. Continue reading “The little sh*t score makes its grand entrance…”

The unfair advantage: your birthdate and birthplace

The unfair advantage: your birthdate and birthplace

Some have it better than others. You knew that, right? But you didn’t know is why.

And no, it is not all in the genes. And no, it doesn’t all boil down to money or means. Or education, or opportunities.

No, the biggest unfair advantage is… whether you were allowed to play or not.

The difference between play and playful?

One of my students writes: Continue reading “The unfair advantage: your birthdate and birthplace”