No obstacles? You are probably not going anywhere

No obstacles? You are probably not going anywhere

obstaclesI am talking about obstacles to learning, obstacles to growing, obstacles to living a life you can love. Obstacles ARE the path…

  • Obstacles are the main ingredient of every story worth reading…
  • Overcoming obstacles is what creates a life worth living, what creates a life worth reading about, worth writing about.

This all sounds counter intuitive. We think an open road and smooth sailing is what will make us happy, but we are mistaken. A life without obstacles, a life without challenges is boring. What makes for a life you love is that you are going somewhere… and then there are the obstacles.

Obstacles to overcome are what makes life really an experience we enjoy… and yet, when I observe people they have a relationship to obstacles that is either:

  • this shouldn’t be…
  • I don’t like obstacles…  this is the way I am…
  • or are totally invisible.
How do you know what are the obstacles with your name on them… even before you meet them? Continue reading “No obstacles? You are probably not going anywhere”

The Hiding Hand Principle: see enough reason to change?

The Hiding Hand Principle: see enough reason to change?

which is the right path?I just read a book review by Malcolm Gladwell. I like to read his prose… He is easy to read, his writing has an easy flair, and his topics are interesting.

He writes about a man I have never heard about, Albert O. Hirschman, an economist, who I recognize myself in.

He is everything most people aren’t.

He said that you don’t need creativity unless something gets screwed up, and things don’t go as planned.

That when the going is smooth, no growth, no invention, no evolution happens. Neither personal, nor species evolution. Continue reading “The Hiding Hand Principle: see enough reason to change?”