There are two major types of backdrops plus a mix of the two

There are two major types of backdrops plus a mix of the two

There are two major types of backdrop, and, of course, everything in between.

The two major backdrop types are:

Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

needy wantyBeing needy, being want-y is low vibration… about 100 on the vibrational scale.

I order my grocery through Instacart. This way I never have to leave my house, I never have to see or get near another person. I ‘blame’ the pandemic… lol.

But today, when I stood behind my front door, waiting for the Instacart delivery person, Angel to leave my grocery at the door, I shouted: ‘Thank you Angel’, and then I started to sob. Continue reading “Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?”