Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles?

Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles?

Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles, or whatever you hope will raise your vibration?

This is a question I always expect to get, but I have never actually gotten.

Why do the 67 steps inside a coaching program, instead of just ‘doing it’, or reading articles, watching youtube videos, or reading books, whatever seems to be interesting at the time? Continue reading “Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles?”

Vibrational Reviews: Drunvalo Melchizedek, Glenn Morris, Reverend James Robison, Mantak Chia, Mother Teresa,Human Design Institute and more

Drunvalo Melchizedek personal vibration: 220
Drunvalo is the author of four books including The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life, Volumes I and II, Living in the Heart and his newest one, Serpent of Light. Truth value of writings: 60 (all made up)

Christof Melchizedek personal vibration: 170. Anxiety, fear. fear to be known as a fraud.
Akasha Sananda personal vibration: 150.
Lots of Tree of Knowledge stuff… none of it actually experienced. Most of it is not true. Truth value:  less than 1%..

Glenn Morris (Umaa Tantra) 1944-2006: Qigong Grandmaster Glenn Morris Ph.D. Personal vibration: 200

Reverend James Robison: personal vibration: 80

Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: Drunvalo Melchizedek, Glenn Morris, Reverend James Robison, Mantak Chia, Mother Teresa,Human Design Institute and more”