Money thermostat or money blueprint?

Money thermostat or money blueprint?

your money blueprintIs it your Money thermostat or money blueprint that keeps you stuck financially?

Huh? What’s the difference between a Money thermostat and a money blueprint?

The thermostat is just a number. The blueprint tells the whole story.

And you may have your money thermostat set at high, but your blueprint doesn’t support it. Continue reading “Money thermostat or money blueprint?”

Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?

Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?

going down with the shipDo you have to go down with the ship?

In 1987 I did the More Money Workshop… I have fond memories of that

Back in 1987 I was working as an architect in the luxury architecture field. We were building or remodeling Caribbean villas for rich people. Nice when you can have it… lol.

I myself was dirt poor, a recent immigrant.

But I never skimped on my education, so I enrolled in the More Money Workshop. It was two Saturdays, and in between I lost my job. Continue reading “Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?”

The dumbing down of the planet: the law of attraction

The dumbing down of the planet: the law of attraction
magnets of the law of attractionWhat if the law of attraction is just another way to keep you duped, unthinking, unproductive, and a slave?

Just think with me, please:

I am going to filter the Law of Attraction through my own life, my own experiences instead of giving you made-up examples, ok?

OK, let us track this “conspiracy” I call “the law of attraction” from now on backwards.

Question: who is attracted to the law of attraction? The one that has self-confidence or the one without? Continue reading “The dumbing down of the planet: the law of attraction”