Your life-success score is low… how do you raise it?

Your life-success score is low… how do you raise it?
Your starting point measurements tell me the whole story that you are.

And the picture of putting all those starting point measurements together also tells me how humanity as a whole is doing.


But why?

Most people think that what they do when they are at their best, when they go to church in their best church-going outfit, when they are smart, nice, funny, or can answer a question right… that that is who they are. Continue reading “Your life-success score is low… how do you raise it?”

How to model yourself after successful people Part 2

How to model yourself after successful people Part 2

If you haven’t read the articles, here are the links: your success score article and the modeling article from earlier today

I watched the 1995 movie Babe again this afternoon. I wept… again. I was deeply moved. By what, you ask?

Question: did you watch this movie? Did you stop to learn something? Continue reading “How to model yourself after successful people Part 2”