Who Were My Teachers in Transformation and Mindset… ?

Originally posted 2007-11-20 07:26:31.

Well, this could be a real long article, even a book.

I won’t go there! writing a book is way too long for my ADHD personality.

But there is one teacher, who I admire, Colin Wilson (of ‘Outsider’ and ‘The Mind Parasite’ fame, who wrote a book, ‘The Books In My Life’ where he strung about 15 essays into a book, and I learned more from the writers he speaks of than I would have learned, had I read the original books. Continue reading “Who Were My Teachers in Transformation and Mindset… ?”

Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?

Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?

the 10000 hoursI am an architect by training. I graduated with an ms in architecture back in 1971… 50 years ago. I ‘practiced’ architecture for about 50 thousand hours… My classmates who didn’t quit in 1988… ditto. I won competitions, an award of excellence… My 10 thousand hours plus ‘worked as predicted’… their: not so much.

But all in all, I got excellent in a profession that was a poor match for my personality: I am a words person and a thinker.

I don’t even waste a glance at building nowadays: obviously my heart isn’t into it.

I did want something… wasn’t sure what though… So when in 1988 I was unemployed I was ‘forced to look’ what would light that fire. Continue reading “Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?”

Will You Succeed or Will You Fail in business?

Will You Succeed or Will You Fail in business?

Everyone has dreams, visions of success… A good job, a nice family, nice people, nice work, nice house…

But that is not what people have… When you ask people what made them who they are today, invariably all of them answer a version of the same thing: The past.

How they express this varies: my parents, my schooling, what I have been doing, my genes, etc. etc. but all in all, they all mean the same: what makes me who I am today is the past.

If that were true, that would be bad news, really.

Imagine that it is true. Now see yourself trying to be successful online. Given your track record, and your genes, and your past behavior, how much chance do you have for success?

I’d love to say zero, but it would be unfair to many of you. So instead, I answer it in a way that applies to all of you:

The same as yesterday. Or a year ago…

Now, that is a total bummer, isn’t it? Continue reading “Will You Succeed or Will You Fail in business?”

Law of Attraction vs. Victim Mentality… Choose!

Law of Attraction vs. Victim Mentality… Choose!

I wrote this article back in 2007, when I was in Pam Ragland’s course…

I want to address the phenomenon of the “Law of Attraction” vs. “victim mentality” in today’s post.

Most of us interpret the Law of Attraction as a kind of “Cosmic Soup Kitchen” where you sit at a table, a waitperson comes and takes your order, and then you wait for your order to come.

Sometimes your order comes, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes you get something totally different, something that you didn’t want.

Some people’s order comes faster than yours, some others’ slower, or never.

It all seems random, and capricious. Like the Universe is playing a game with you.

Frustrating to most, happy and great for some. It seems like there are chosen people, or lucky, and something invisible marks YOU as the one who should never get ahead, never get what you want.

Continue reading “Law of Attraction vs. Victim Mentality… Choose!”