Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs

Originally posted 2011-06-25 13:04:23.

Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs

Werner Erhard, founder of est and the original source of Landmark EducationI first participated in what is now called Landmark Education back in 1985, the last weekend of August, in Haifa Israel.

I lived in an immigration hostel, I worked as an architect and town planner in Jerusalem and I was miserable.

In quick succession two Russian immigrants killed themselves: I knew and liked them both. One of them was so determined that she manage to hang herself from the window bars, even though the window sill was only about 20 inches… Knee high.

I was going to be next. Except that someone invited me to something on a Wednesday evening.

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Knowing will not make your life smooth sailing…

Knowing will not make your life smooth sailing…

rough_seasThis article may be a bit upsetting… but hey, I am known for rocking the boat… Being a trouble-maker. Have always been…

Can you identify with this scenario?

Something bothers you. Something hits you the wrong way.

You sit and you say: ‘I know I shouldn’t be upset about this. I know it is not cool. I even know that it is my issue, but I am still bothered.’

And you are bothered, and you are bothered.
Continue reading “Knowing will not make your life smooth sailing…”