3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

confrontation3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

I now have three coaches. Three different people, three different styles, three different worldviews. the only thing that is common among them is that they represent a worldview that is the polar opposite to mine.

Why would I hire coaches so different from myself? Continue reading “3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?”

Intention, responsibility: how do you get off the hook?

Intention, responsibility: how do you get off the hook?
One of the hallmarks of a person who is not willing to learn is bringing unrelated questions or remarks to the conversation.

I just listened to an hour long presentation about a person who is very prolific.

Prolific means that they have a high useful output.

A prolific author writes more books than a garden variety author.

I am considered prolific because of the number of articles, the number of courses I create as a matter of course.

To be prolific your number one requirement is to have Continue reading “Intention, responsibility: how do you get off the hook?”

What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT

What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT

the path to butterfly stateWhat makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is the EFFORT it takes to break out of the cocoon.

My best selling product is called Effortless Abundance.

The best selling products are gadgets… gadgets that make everything effortless… because you don’t want any effort.

You are, through and through, part of the eight billion. And you are not happy.

If you are one of the one thousand people on Planet Earth who are happy

Continue reading “What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT”

Public answer to a question I didn’t answer in my recent office hours

Public answer to a question I didn’t answer in my recent office hours

Office hours… a blissful two way conversation… NOT.ALWAYS!

Yesterday a one-time student came on the call, and asked a question that imitated me. Or better said: I got irritated.

When a question lacks context, the answer either going to be totally unrelated… or not forthcoming.

I have a coach who doesn’t demand that the questioner sets the stage, shows the big picture, inside which the question makes sense. He guesses and quickly answers, I can feel, from whatever he made up… not what the real question would be.


So my irritation was mainly due to considering the question a setup, to make me look foolish. Continue reading “Public answer to a question I didn’t answer in my recent office hours”

What does it mean? What does it mean that I always notice when it’s 11:11?

What does it mean? What does it mean that I always notice when it’s 11:11?
  • It doesn’t mean anything…
  • Life is empty and meaningless.
  • 11:11 on your clock has no meaning.
  • There are no angels other than invented by fellow humans.
  • No gods either.
  • Also no devil.

But we keep on making us sh*t and then honoring it as the truth. We… meaning humanity. You and I.

But the reality is: all meaning is given. Given by people. It doesn’t belong to the thing… It is like a piece of clothing… clothing doesn’t define you…

But it seems humans are craving meaning, want meaning, so they make meaning… and then honor their meaning as the truth.

Even pets living with humans seem to learn that… Continue reading “What does it mean? What does it mean that I always notice when it’s 11:11?”

Lack of purpose? lack of meaning? how to find?

Lack of purpose? lack of meaning? how to find?

One of the things all humans crave is consistency and stability. And, or course, if you live a life outside of a cage, outside of a managed care facility, those are hard to come by.

The only constant in reality is change… constant, maddening change. As soon as you get used to a new thing… the next new thing comes…

And humans don’t adjust well to change, don’t want change, don’t like change.

Don’t do well with change…

One of my students… they may have to move back to California…

I’m flailing with my emotions at the moment and being swept away by the ever changing circumstances of my daily life. I need an anchor. Your input would be great. Thank you.

and another student, not being able to get a job: Continue reading “Lack of purpose? lack of meaning? how to find?”

Are you fully dead or mostly dead? Depression?

Are you fully dead or mostly dead? Depression?
The attitude of submission, dutifulness, is the death of individual and the death of joy

Part of the enslavement process that has been going on for thousands of years, you are robbed of your sense of free will, and your joy. Continue reading “Are you fully dead or mostly dead? Depression?”

A meaningless life means to you that you are unhappy…

Why is meaning missing from your life?

My methodology to lead you to become a human being is simple, and step by step.

First you become conscious of the machine and start taking control over your own life… by the Amish Horse Training Method, The memes finding, The A is A. And then fourth and final step is finding/creating the wind you walk into… The purpose. The meaning.

In the Nazi concentration camps, people who had a meaning to their lives, survived, people who didn’t… died. The guy who I learned this from is Victor Frankl, an Austrian Jew, like Sigmund Freud, and not much less significant. In my experience his discovery is the golden key to a happy existence. Continue reading “A meaningless life means to you that you are unhappy…”