Independence makes you free from or for something…

Independence makes you free from or for something…

Independence makes you free from something.

I have found that the two kinds of freedoms, 1. freedom from and 2. freedom for are a team.

People have a different level of craving for one of these freedoms, and that’s what drives their growth. Continue reading “Independence makes you free from or for something…”

Personality traits that serve you, and personality traits that don’t.

This is not my creation, and honestly, I haven’t spent much time analyzing it either. But, just so you know, this is a Tree of Knowledge list… I, in my work, deal with the underlying attitudes, not personality traits…

638 Primary Personality Traits

Positive Traits (234 = 37%)

  1. Accessible
  2. Active
  3. Adaptable
  4. Admirable
  5. Adventurous
  6. Agreeable
  7. Alert
  8. Allocentric
  9. Amiable
  10. Anticipative
  11. Appreciative
  12. Articulate
  13. Aspiring
  14. Athletic
  15. Attractive
  16. Continue reading “Personality traits that serve you, and personality traits that don’t.”

The levels of consciousness and the stumbling blocks between them…

livinr-in-a-boxI hope you can see my methodology:

The truth, the big picture, and all the details are in the hidden dimension of the universe. And to unfold any of it, work is needed. Persistent poking of the box.

Some cultures are box-pokers, and others are complacent, satisfied with the size of their jail cell.

I come from a box-poker culture.

Individuals, of course, differ in their level of desire to go beyond the walls… But the average, the culture, is either box poker or not… degrees again… not black and white.

Whether a culture is box poker depends on how harsh survival conditions reign for the culture.

Mongols were box-pokers. Chinese were not. Jews are box-pokers, Brits are not.

Box-poking could be seen as change.
Continue reading “The levels of consciousness and the stumbling blocks between them…”

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?
lying to yourself is not allowing yourself to be who you areDo you get hooked? People pushing your buttons?

Ultimately, every time you encounter something you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with, your first reaction is resistance, i.e. not allowing what you don’t like to be. Continue reading “What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?”

What is your approach to spirituality? Feminine? Masculine?

masculine-feminine-energies-behaviorThis article is not for everyone. If you haven’t been a seeker, this is not for you. This article is quotes from an email conversation with a client who can’t create a powerful blockage to energetic, malicious, attachments and spells…

What is your approach to spirituality? Feminine and Masculine?

Feminine is: waiting for it to come to you, passive.

Spirituality, access to the beyond, your relationship to life needs to be feminine… an aggressive male approach will take you away from what you are trying to accomplish.

This whole topic came up because a student of mine needs to frequently cloak herself. She also wants to bubble.

Cloaking is very easy, and enough for temporary protection against attachments, but she wants to bubble herself too. Why? I didn’t ask.
Continue reading “What is your approach to spirituality? Feminine? Masculine?”