He has warned me, (not personally) that the big four, or however many they are, are eventually going to ban me, google, facebook, banking and email next…
Amazon didn’t ban me, it banned my products.
But recently I was booted off Facebook, and now, every email address that is connected to me and my business is refusing to forward the emails to my desktop… making it very cumbersome to do business.
My teacher and I match 70%. I didn’t say ‘fit’. I said ‘match’ or we are in essence the same or so similar, you can’t tell which one of us is speaking. Not necessarily the content… he would be mortified if what I say came out of HIS mouth… lol… and I would lose all my students and clients if what he says came out of my mouth.
We are similar in our how.
Most people I know are very dissimilar with me. To me? grammar anyone?