Something keeps you down… do you know what it is?

Something keeps you down… do you know what it is?

One of the signs of intelligence is for someone to be able to see and actually see the big picture.

To see you need to look. Look and see.

Most never look. Or when they look they are looking for something, which means they narrow their cone of vision… to minuscule width.

Results: most people never see what there is to see.

Today the average intelligence is not high enough for the average intelligence person to even appreciate looking wide and deep… Even the average asks: look for what? Continue reading “Something keeps you down… do you know what it is?”

Looking. Noticed that I get up way before the squirrels

Looking. Noticed that I get up way before the squirrels

This article is not about the squirrels, it is about you. What you can see, what you can notice. Or don’t.

This article is about looking. (Or listening, or any looking you can do with a perception organ, perceive incoming signals: light, sound, gravity, acceleration, chemical substance, position, motion, temperature, pressure, aka incoming… Not from memory, not from the mind.) Continue reading “Looking. Noticed that I get up way before the squirrels”

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost…

The current state of humanity is: no one is looking…

Instead, if they do anything, they try to think it out.

It is like trying to think out soup… no ingredients, none.

The only way to be effective in life is through looking IN REALITY, where the ingredients are… and not just for soup, but for everything.

The Streetlight Effect Continue reading “Look for it where it is, not where the light is on”

Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?

Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?
A minor miracle happened yesterday morning…

I found that one of my students who had willfully turned off The Sight capacity, unexpectedly allowed it to stay on. Or maybe it was a major miracle… we shall see. Continue reading “Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?”

How to use The Sight capacity to get yourself unstuck

How to use The Sight capacity to get yourself unstuck

I have been looking at the traffic that comes to my site… and 99% of the people who come, leave empty handed.

Most people want to make more money. I don’t have what they want… I could only have what they need… so I have had nothing to offer them. I have thought of doing a money course… but have discarded it… It feels inauthentic for me to teach about money, given how mediocre my income is.

What you don’t know that you don’t know is really your blind spot. I have, must have, a big blind spot that I can’t, don’t want to, am afraid to make more money than is necessary to survive.

It’s not necessarily a lack of knowledge, or lack of work. It is that something stops me when the going gets good…

So I don’t consider myself worthy to teach something I don’t do myself. Continue reading “How to use The Sight capacity to get yourself unstuck”

The capacity to see the consequences of your actions

The capacity to see the consequences of your actions

The capacity to see one’s way through, without the need to muddle through is possessed by about 1% of humanity.

It is the same capacity that can clearly see what your current actions will result in if you continue them.

It is the same capacity that can see what changes you need to make in your attitude and in your behavior to effect lasting change.

It is the rarest capacity… but it is also the hardest capacity to make work for you if you don’t have the habit of looking.

In a Landmark Education seminar, Inventing Yourself, there was a session where you were asked to stand in front of what you have never seen, what you can’t recognize from memory, and keep standing there until you see it. Continue reading “The capacity to see the consequences of your actions”

You cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?

What capacity is missing so that you cannot tell, you cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?

I think this is the main issue for people who cannot grow… even if they keep on having private sessions, do all my courses, or all Landmark Education courses, or all Mindvalley courses, or use energy stuff… mine or others’.

When you put something they know some other environment, they don’t recognize it in a different environment, a different context.

So what is the missing capacity, you wonder… And how can anyone dream up a method to teach it?

A little historical view of how humans evolved (or not) during their lifetimes in previous times… Continue reading “You cannot recognize the same thing in a different environment?”