When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or…

Originally posted 2011-03-05 09:25:31.

When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or…
When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver

or a hop-into-the car grocery shopper?

Said in another way: If Your Life Were A Car, Who Is Driving Your Life? Continue reading “When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or…”

The Wall, The Ladder, and Your Life’s Purpose

Originally posted 2010-12-11 10:25:59.

The Wall, The Ladder, and Your Life’s Purpose
How do you get Guidance from The Soul?

Many people walk around with an immense amount of knowledge.

Yet, in their professional life, they jump from one thing to the other. They’re directionless because they zigzag.

They go to this direction and then they go to that direction and they go in the third direction and then they return to the first one, and on and on it goes. Continue reading “The Wall, The Ladder, and Your Life’s Purpose”

What’s your purpose in life? As in a purpose driven life…

Originally posted 2010-12-11 10:07:08.

What’s your purpose in life? As in a purpose driven life…
What’s your soul’s purpose in life?

I hear this question and derivations like ‘what’s my purpose in life?’ ‘What was I meant to do with my life?’ etc.

We, human beings, want to do the right thing. It feels that if we did that, then all ADD, all restlessness, all depression, all jumping-around and inconsistent behavior would disappear.

We would joyfully do what we are meant to do, finish what we start, jump our of bed with eagerness, right?

Only if we just could find the one thing we are supposed to do. Be certain, stop doubting ourselves, settle down… Continue reading “What’s your purpose in life? As in a purpose driven life…”

An interesting recording from 2012… why does your life feel empty?

As I am teaching the invisible dynamics, I go every day and dig up older recordings…

This one is brilliant. It deals with the complaint activated dynamic, called racket. But the racket in this recording is “special”… it points to why your life is so empty, and why, it seems, nothing that you do fills it up with life…

Do You Rock, or Do You Wait to be Rocked? Can you be coached?

Do You Rock, or Do You Wait to be Rocked?

or “Coaching and your ambition number…”

There are two main widely diverging schools of coaching that I can see.
  • One is like a cheerleader or motivator… the coach is trying to get water from a rock…
  • The other, the coaching I practice, is very different.

The principle of the second type of coaching: you can only coach someone who is in action. You can redirect them… but they have to be in movement. It is not my job or responsibility to get you into movement. Continue reading “Do You Rock, or Do You Wait to be Rocked? Can you be coached?”

What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it?

What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it?

I have been doing a lot of work while I seemingly do nothing… or not much.

Something is driving me…

I used to say it this way: “I can do no other”… Continue reading “What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it?”

Who you are can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?

Who you are can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?

Watch this video.

The first part, where he brings examples of the sentence: if you tune in deep inside you, you may be able to come up with your sentence, and then you can design your life around it.

That sentence will be your functional expression of your life’s purpose. It is akin a strong wind that you lean into when you “do” your life.

Good luck.


Want to know mine? From 2010?
Continue reading “Who you are can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?”