Stay Open In The Pain. Experience it with eyes open

Stay Open In The Pain. Experience it with eyes open
One of the humanity-wide issues is this: you feel something and then immediately jump to the meaning.

You CREATE the meaning with words.

The jump is from reality to unreality. The meaning never happened. It can’t even exist without the words…

  • This is how pain becomes suffering.
  • This is how fear becomes anxiety.
  • And this is how sadness becomes depression. Through the words.

Continue reading “Stay Open In The Pain. Experience it with eyes open”

How you look at something changes what you see

How you look at something changes what you see

mind vs brainHow you look at something changes what you see. Everywhere.

If you manage to change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

This is a PhD level statement… and a popular meme. But that is the essence of context. Continue reading “How you look at something changes what you see”

Do something every day that scares you, they tell you

Do something every day that scares you, they tell you

let fear guide youSome 35 years ago I participated in a Creativity Seminar. Creativity: LIVING at risk.

It taught: move towards the fear, call it excitement. Continue reading “Do something every day that scares you, they tell you”