Learning to Learn on Coursera.org… can you? Will you?

Learning to Learn on Coursera.org… can you? Will you?

Learning to Learn on Coursera.org, the missing piece of the puzzle, especially if you combine it with the Playground: the partner calls, and the skill learning challenge.

I’ve completed the first two weeks of study on coursera, with 99% effectiveness measured by the tests: only two mistakes total.. But did I learn the material?

I am finding that I am still having some issues with the vocabulary, so no, I haven’t. Continue reading “Learning to Learn on Coursera.org… can you? Will you?”

3 reasons you aren’t doing what you say you will do

3 reasons you aren’t doing what you say you will do

You can learn nearly anything on the internet if you know how to learn.

And yet, if you look, people don’t learn much, don’t do much, and the momentary excitement, the big promises die almost as fast as they were born, leaving the promiser frustrated, and puzzled why they can’t keep their word, and actually do what they said they would do. Continue reading “3 reasons you aren’t doing what you say you will do”