You need to see what you said so you can say no to it

You need to see what you said so you can say no to it

Do you remember the pie chart of all knowledge? The circle, the pie, represents all facts in the universe?

  • A tiny slice you know and you know that you know it. It is your address, it is your name, it is facts that you can prove.
  • Another tiny slice is all the things you know that you don’t know. For example you know that you don’t speak Japanese, unless, of course, you do.
  • The rest of the pie is the things that you don’t know that you don’t know. Some of it you think you know, but what you think is just isn’t so.

Continue reading “You need to see what you said so you can say no to it”

Information is like milk. It tends to go bad over time

Information is like milk. It tends to go bad over time

information is like milk... soured-milkInformation, knowledge, possibility, attitude, skill, capacity… they, all, in one way or another, are information. And they behave like milk. They go sour… useless… bad.

You may want to ask the question before you research, buy information, ask questions: ‘am I doing this just in case I’ll need it later or am I doing this because I need this to move forward right now.Continue reading “Information is like milk. It tends to go bad over time”

How to gain an unfair advantage in life?

How to gain an unfair advantage in life?

There is another reason you want to learn as many skills as you can: in today’s competitive environment, with eight billion people, it is hard to stand out. And if you don’t stand out then you are competing with everyone… and that, my friend, is not a good thing, unless you are satisfied with crumbs.

“Success isn’t about being perceived as the best at what you do. It’s about being perceived as the only one who does what you do.”

Now, that is a tall order, when there are eight billion people on the planet… and many of them are probably smarter than you are… And yet you want to get as close to that idea, being the only one who does what you do, as close you can….

So how is that possible? By coloring over the lines… not inside.

We are all trained as kids to color within the lines… But…

Everyone can have one thing they do well. Many people do two things well. Some people do three or more things well. Most people don’t do anything well.

Only a few people think of combining what they do well into a unique skill-set. They have the mindset of either/or… doing either one or the other.
Continue reading “How to gain an unfair advantage in life?”

You got bigger problems than I can solve, and you best move on

You got bigger problems than I can solve, and you best move on

My estimate is that this global epidemic came just at the right time to show you that you have been swimming naked.

About 99% of humanity.

My students are not exceptions to this. The only difference, as far as I can see, is they took heed from me… on a Talk to me webinar a week ago, and some of them at least are using this time to double up on becoming worth a damn and be able to become more in spite of the trouble the world is in. Thank you for that, guys.

You have no skills, you are depending on bosses, depending on someone else provide you with a livelihood. Continue reading “You got bigger problems than I can solve, and you best move on”