Self awareness is not enough. Understanding is not enough.

Self awareness is not enough. Understanding is not enough.

If you want to become more, grow, evolve, self awareness is important. But it is not enough. Meditation is not enough. Having a person to model yourself after is not enough. Reading is not enough. Understanding is not enough.

Something is missing, the presence of which would make the most difference, and could take you through the barrier to full knowledge of your machine.

What machine, you ask? Continue reading “Self awareness is not enough. Understanding is not enough.”

Do you know what you are doing? Debunking the myth

Do you know what you are doing? Debunking the myth

climbing togetherI don’t know what I am doing… but my life seems to be going in the right direction

Most successful people, if and when you ask them, they don’t have a theory, they don’t have a grand scheme of things, they are just doing what they are doing and it works. In one area of life…

Wherever they are successful.

Work, or health, or relationships, or money… etc. Continue reading “Do you know what you are doing? Debunking the myth”