The hamster method to win. It makes you a winner

The hamster method to win. It makes you a winner

Do you want to be a winner? or you prefer winning every argument, every task, everything? Both? OK. Use winner and winning like two walls the hamster uses to climb to the top.

With it, in no time you’ll become someone who wins consistently, and a winner

When I was in my last two years in high school, I did all my school work between 11 pm and 4 am. I got up when my parents went to bed, and the house got quiet.

The King David method… by the way. The way King David lived and worked.

My brother had a hamster… Continue reading “The hamster method to win. It makes you a winner”

Big audacious actions or tiny steps?

Big audacious actions or tiny steps?

tiny steps methodBack in the fall of 1987 I was in a camp in mountainous Kingston NY. I was participating in a highly physical course, called the 6-day course, challenging both your body and your fear and what you should do with it. It also added the method of tiny steps that is the secret I want to share in this article.

One of the challenges was to cross a valley on a cable stretched, just with your arm’s strength… (Of course I don’t know what it is called, so the pictures are all about zip-lines… oops… what are they called, do you know?)

The first half of the climb was easy… your weight created a slope in the cable… the second part was wicked… you had to, hand over hand, pull your weight over.

It was a lot like mountain climbing: you put one foot in front of the other, and you don’t quit. Small feats take you there. Continue reading “Big audacious actions or tiny steps?”

Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket

Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket

I don’t think I have ever really distinguished the difference between these two similar sounding activities… so it’s time.

As usual, I had to distinguish the difference for myself… the hard way.

I almost didn’t make it…

My strength deteriorated to the degree that I was having heart pain and exhaustion from just going from one end of the apartment to the other… So I started to mentally prepare myself to meet my maker, so to say.

The weird stuff was, that Source answered all my “diagnostic” questions with no… not my heart, not my lungs, not this and not that… yet it agreed that I was dying… Weird, right? Continue reading “Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket”