Depending on how you look at something, it has many facets

Depending on how you look at something, it has many facets

What you see is what you see. What someone sees when they look at what you are looking at, likely that they will see something else.

Some two decades ago I participated in a two-hour workshop where the leader began with asking the audience what color the notepad she held in her hand was… Obviously it was white. And every moron could see that it was white.

But then she flipped it over, and now we saw her side, and it was brown cardboard… Darn…

I just learned something. I have stopped arguing then and there… Continue reading “Depending on how you look at something, it has many facets”

The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away

The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away
You’ve got to define what’s enough for you. And that is what you should aim for

Until you do that, you are dealing with too much freedom. To much freedom often leads to unclarity, to confusion, or inaction, where fear, ego, delusion rule.

It is smart to define that and it takes smarts to define the dance floor where you can win.

What is winning?

Winning always needs a game. Continue reading “The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away”