What is really the strait and narrow in real life?

What is really the strait and narrow in real life?

I assume that the Bible is talking about strait and narrow spiritually.

And then there are sermons, and teachings, and mimes about it, because it’s not working. people don’t know what to do with it.

But strait and narrow is a very potent medicine. It could heal a lot of the ills that anyone can experience.

So what are the ills of people, what are the ills of society that strait and narrow, and its brother strait and deep could reverse?

Inversion is a great tool to start with. Continue reading “What is really the strait and narrow in real life?”

You probably don’t know yourself as well as you think you do

You probably don’t know yourself as well as you think you do

You think you know. You think you know who you are, what is important to you, what you want, and what and who is running your life.

This is your approach towards life. Through what you know… Continue reading “You probably don’t know yourself as well as you think you do”

What is the truth value of your knowledge?

What is the truth value of your knowledge?

Your starting point measurements paint an accurate picture of you…

The truth value of your personal knowledge, (average:  2% truth value! It means 98% of what you know is wrong!) is indicated in your vocabulary number… your clarity… It can be translated to a truth value. My truth value is 70% and my accurate vocabulary is 10,000… so do some math… lol. Continue reading “What is the truth value of your knowledge?”