Your puddle-like inner world vs a high achieving rapid

Your puddle-like inner world vs a high achieving rapid
The more of the puddle you try to force into the eventual rapid the more pain of loss you’ll experience.

Unavoidable. So instead of taking away useless, unproductive, wasteful activities, you add more… More puddle.

Don’t forget that a puddle has no restriction… so seemingly everything can fit in.

Your life will not change to the better if… Continue reading “Your puddle-like inner world vs a high achieving rapid”

Intention is the gateway to your higher functioning self

Intention is the gateway to your higher functioning self

The response to my offer to train you to turn on and use your intention has been disappointing.

So in this article I am going to focus on what it is that you are missing.

Obviously I am not a salesperson, and have no real experience in selling you what you want…

Even though you want what I have, maybe, you sill only hear what you have always heard.

So what is it that I haven’t told you about the Intention activation?

The most important thing is: Continue reading “Intention is the gateway to your higher functioning self”

I just realized that I am now working on my next assignment.

I just realized that I am now working on my next assignment.

The original assignment is complete.

I have mapped out the human condition that prevents humans to attain the highest level of evolutionary level: human being.

And the next assignment is how to make evolving tastier, more inviting, more valuable to humans, so they actually do what it takes to get to the next and highest level. Continue reading “I just realized that I am now working on my next assignment.”

There is a secret to mastery most people will never know

There is a secret to mastery most people will never know

There is a secret to mastery most people will never crack.

Most people will never see… because it is in plain sight and yet invisible.

The movie Karate Kid gives away… and still no one gets it

There is a turning point in the movie Karate Kid 1984. The original movie. Continue reading “There is a secret to mastery most people will never know”

Put a high vibration person in a low vibration environment?

Put a high vibration person in a low vibration environment?

What happens when you put a low vibration person in a high vibration environment? Will their vibration rise?

Is vibration like water? When you mix hot water with cold you get tepid water? No… environment doesn’t effect your vibration… only what is inside does. Continue reading “Put a high vibration person in a low vibration environment?”

If you want more, better or different from what you have

If you want more, better or different from what you have

envyIf you want a better future.

This is a long article. Don’t just skim it… it has no value that way. Please…

Most people want different, and they want to change.

You are an employee? You want to be a business(wo)man.

And you start hating what you are doing, and start dreaming about what you are going to do. Continue reading “If you want more, better or different from what you have”

The life of a pinball… or Your expectations and your disappointments

Your expectations and your disappointments reveal to you and to everyone who knows anything about the unconscious worldview that makes sure you are miserable.

You learned that the Universe, Reality, your body, other people are like a vending machine. Push a button and outcomes what you wanted.

Or a car, or an electric mixer. Mechanistic, there for your service.

Even the evil people, religion, law of attraction, manifestation people teach that… with one little twist: if you are good, then the machine will turn on and spit out what you wanted.

So these people with their little twist make it your own fault if and when it doesn’t work.

But what you think about the world and the way the world works are very different.

And you go from expectation to disappointment, anger, dismay, disgust… according to your temperament. Continue reading “The life of a pinball… or Your expectations and your disappointments”