No One CAN Do It FOR You… And Even if They Could…

Originally posted 2008-11-15 08:02:53.

No One CAN Do It FOR You… And Even if They Could…

Most “do-it-for-you” programs don’t work. Why? Are they bad? Are they fakes, thieves, or is there something in our design as human beings that prevents us from taking advantage of these opportunities. This is what this article is about. Surprising. Documented. True. Continue reading “No One CAN Do It FOR You… And Even if They Could…”

Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed?

Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed?

Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed? Only to HAVE?

Asked in another way: can you sabotage your success if you just dream about success, as a destination, but never about the path, the work, the effort to get there.

Or can you sabotage your dreams? Continue reading “Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed?”

Why would reality change when you use different words?

Why would reality change when you use different words?

First off, reality always changes… but from our perspective, this is the correct question to ask:

Why does reality SEEM to change when you use different words?

There is reality, that is, at best, a collective hunch. Even what we do seem to see from reality is just isolated fragments, and we don’t see their connection to the whole. So reality is an unknown, unknowable entity as of now.

So what we call reality isn’t really reality. In fact, depending on the person, it can be as ‘unreality’ as 100%. Continue reading “Why would reality change when you use different words?”

Whatever you want to do, you can do it better with intention

Whatever you want to do, you can do it better with intention

Whatever you want to do, you can do better with intention

Sounds like an advertising, and maybe it is.

An emasculated, disempowered human, of course, can’t even fathom that they are ‘created‘ powerful.

When I ask people in my circles if they feel powerful… they don’t.

Powerful means: able to make things happen.

Continue reading “Whatever you want to do, you can do it better with intention”

How can you use your intention to great success? Astuteness

How can you use your intention to great success? Astuteness

How does an animal, how does a human animal develop astuteness?

Astuteness: acute in perception and sound in judgment

Astuteness is a word that expresses to what degree what one sees is actually what one think one sees.

Incoming information needs to be interpreted by the brain so the action can be a good match to what is happening.

So you identify what you see accurately.

The average accuracy, the average astuteness on the planet is 1%. Continue reading “How can you use your intention to great success? Astuteness”

What is the most important thing to learn and practice?

What is the most important thing to learn and practice?

If I were you, participating in my programs, I would ask: what is the most important thing for me to practice and maybe even bring it to mastery.

When I look at the people I have the opportunity to observe, what I see is that they are mastering in:

Continue reading “What is the most important thing to learn and practice?”

Source has learned how to push my buttons…

Source has learned how to push my buttons…

Source, in our 17 years of cooperation, has learned how to push my buttons.

You tell me I can’t do it, I’ll defy you, and by hooks or by crooks I’ll do it. I am a ‘Forget Thyself’… it is my nature.

So Source has been telling me that I am due to die… and the same mechanism is now pushing me to 1. defy the deadline 2. maybe manage to take some people over the hump and into the Promised Land.

I like this game. And I much prefer it to hope and nice-nice.

On another note: it is part of human arrogance to think you already know everything important, and only minor details you may not know…

Continue reading “Source has learned how to push my buttons…”

Intention is the beginning of all transformation

Intention is the beginning of all transformation
The power of intention

Most people don’t know the power of intention, it because they have never experienced it, because they don’t know how to get access to intention.

They never intend. They live inside wanting to, needing to, having to, and should… the horizontal plane, the Valley of the Shadow of Death… Fear of death, fear of annihilation. Continue reading “Intention is the beginning of all transformation”

Sometimes the worst thing can become the best thing

Sometimes the worst thing can become the best thing

Sometimes the worst things can become the best things.

At least in this case I hope.

George Bernard Shaw said: ‘Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

Now, if you are here, on my site, in my courses to get progress, for yourself, for your life, then you need to change your mind. Continue reading “Sometimes the worst thing can become the best thing”

Intention, responsibility: how do you get off the hook?

Intention, responsibility: how do you get off the hook?
One of the hallmarks of a person who is not willing to learn is bringing unrelated questions or remarks to the conversation.

I just listened to an hour long presentation about a person who is very prolific.

Prolific means that they have a high useful output.

A prolific author writes more books than a garden variety author.

I am considered prolific because of the number of articles, the number of courses I create as a matter of course.

To be prolific your number one requirement is to have Continue reading “Intention, responsibility: how do you get off the hook?”