Three questions to cause you to implement what you learn

Three questions to cause you to implement what you learn

Most people feel stuck. It doesn’t feel good. And they want to be unstuck… but they don’t know how.

Three questions can take you from where you are at now to movement… onto the path to wherever you would like to be.

I have lead a workshop about a hundred times that asked slightly different questions, and it strikes me funny now, that maybe I have been asking the questions that are ‘fixing’ based… not what I wanted.

The old workshop asked:

what’s working
what’s not working?
What are you doing in that area? Who are you being? (attitude) What are you having? (results)
Who would you need to be so what isn’t working can start working, maybe even brilliantly? Continue reading “Three questions to cause you to implement what you learn”

Who are your customers? are you selling what they want?

Who are your customers? are you selling what they want?

who are your customers?I just had my first ‘podcast call’ with Bonnie, one of my newer students. I really like her. Her first question hit me unexpectedly low: she asked: who are you making the podcast for… who is going to listen to it? who are your customers?

I hadn’t given it any thought… I only thought of what I wanted to teach… hm. Continue reading “Who are your customers? are you selling what they want?”

Only fools think they can get heat from a cold stove…

ringI put all my knowledge into my articles. I hold nothing back. I am not afraid that it cheapens my brand, that the knowledge will be, suddenly had by everyone, and I’ll have nothing to sell.


I read articles on other sites, and they are quite inane, with a nugget of gold here and there, but even that nugget is rare. And hidden.

When I realized that I was in the marketing and selling business in 1998, 21 years ago, I was in for a long and very slowly rising learning curve.

I bought courses, in-person, online, and most courses, if I could glean a nugget, I was lucky. Most courses I didn’t glean any knowledge. Why? Am I stupid? No. What was wrong with me that I spent tens of thousands of dollars and didn’t get the results I paid for?

I think I was one of those fools who think that they can get heat from a cold stove. Continue reading “Only fools think they can get heat from a cold stove…”