Tend to be impatient? Want to be already there?

Tend to be impatient? Want to be already there?

Tend to be impatient? Want to be already there? Jumpy? What is underneath impatience?

I have been offering to measure what blockages people have to break through to be able to work on becoming all they can become.

I am looking and measuring people against 43 Bach energies… It is quite challenging, because there is no frustration, anger, resistance, belligerence, etc. are on that list… Bach energies are the energies of plants… Testing people and my questions against those 43 test my patience. It is not quick. It is not obvious, until it is… Until I see it.

But, to my surprise, it is actually possible to find the answers to these questions: Continue reading “Tend to be impatient? Want to be already there?”