Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code

Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code

Revisited: What does the vibration number mean? Why are methodologies that actually help people rate low on the vibrational scale? I’ll compare and review the Dr. Bradley Nelson method, The Emotion Code, and the Avatar State Audios.

I just finished watching a few episodes of the Dr. Bradley Nelson show. Dr. Bradley Nelson is a showman, a great salesperson. I think it’s great: I wish I could be more like him doing the work I do. More people would flock to me.

Now, why is Dr. Bradley Nelson’s vibration as low as 190, occasionally as low as 170? Is he an unhappy person? Is this a case of the shoemaker who doesn’t have shoes?

The answer is no. I see two problems with his methodology that would result in such low vibration.

The problem isn’t as much his well-being, peace of mind, etc. as he isn’t in the business of empowering people. His methodology is to work through practitioners, and this model duplicates the system of the medical establishment, the church, the government.

In his system people are treated for an issue with a method that may work, by a practitioner who was “specially trained” to treat people with that method.

So people need to be sick for those practitioners to exist, which means his system perpetuates disease.
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Is the Soul-Correction Workshop Stairway to Heaven?

Is the Soul-Correction Workshop Stairway to Heaven?

Is the Soul-Correction Workshop Stairway to Heaven?

We’ll first need to distinguish all the elements of the above question, otherwise we are going to be like two trains passing each other: not on the same track.

Let me hold no secrets from you:

soul correction is at the root of you raising your vibration. Nothing else. You conquering, one-by-one your shadow…

So let’s look at the distinctions:

What is Soul-Correction? It’s a set of set behaviors and attitudes that are out of vibrational alignment with how it is, a distortion in perception of reality

What is a workshop? Workshops are interactive. There is no actual material delivered, except when some explanation of distinctions is necessary in order to understand what’s happening. In my workshops I coach participants publicly while others listen. I make it as interactive as I can, and I demand attention, at least raising your hand by pushing a button on your computer. If you join the workshop (webinar) from a phone or ipad, you can type “yes” when others raise their hands.
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Interesting new vibrational reviews, Carlos Castaneda, Mantak Chia, and some pseudonames

Interesting new vibrational reviews, Carlos Castaneda, Mantak Chia, and some pseudonames

Machaelle Small Wright vibrational review
Machaelle Small Wright author of “Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered” First off, when I asked to connect to Machaella, there was no such person. Then I asked to connect to the author of the book above, and then I connected. The author seems to be a man. WTF? This has never happened to me… personal vibration: 180. Truth value: 170. The whole ouvre vibration: 200

Mantak Chia is a Taoist Master. He is best known for his teaching Taoist practices under the names of Healing Tao, Tao Yoga, Universal Healing Tao System and Qigong. Personal vibration: 240. Deep seated fear
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Vibrational Reviews: Dr Yuen, Adi Da, Family Constellation, Flora Peterson

Vibrational Reviews:

The Yuen Method: Dr. Yuen personal vibration: 200; method vibration (truth value) 210. Does he use energy to use his work? no. Is he a fraud? no. Is the method trainable? no. Is he connected to Source? yes. Is HE doing the work? no. Is Source doing the work? yes. His method of connecting is going within. His center of connection is in the chest (not heart). Can I do what he does? No. Could I learn what he does? yes. Dr Yuen is plagued with unbearable anguish.

Flora Peterson intuitive energy reader and space clearer: personal vibration: 210. Success rate (percentage of cases in which she really connects to you): 30%

Adi Da Samraj (
Adidam is devoted to Avatar Adi Da Samraj, His Spiritual Teaching and His Gift of Perfect Divine Enlightenment.) Adi Da Samraj (November 3, 1939 – November 27, 2008), born Franklin Albert Jones in Queens, New York, was a spiritual teacher, writer and artist… Personal vibration: 190. (much anguish). Teachings truth value: 200
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More about the Avatar State audios and INSTRUCTIONS for use! Updated

More about the Avatar State audios

First off, the Avatar State: it’s a strong and wide connection. It is much like a wide laser beam, on one hand, that bores through obstacles.

What obstacles? Depending on your vibrational frequency (truth value) you have tens, hundreds, or thousands of obstacles… those are the standards, ideals, and “truths” you live and judge by.

I wrote a sentence in a recent article: “You can’t expect to be elegant in mind, elegant in spirit, if your environment isn’t.”

He read it and went into massive rage and fear, sent me 17 (I counted) emails to prove to me that I am wrong. His vibration is 170. Going into rages like this, fixed focus, nostrils flaring, being stuck and not able to look around, is an obstacle.
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How Could You Experience Love? What Is Love Anyway?

How Could You Experience Love? What Is Love Anyway?

love and faking love, feeling love, giving love, unconditional love How Could You Experience Love? What Gives You That Warm Fuzzy Feeling Of Love? When You Are Loved? When You Love? What Is Love Anyway?

I really don’t like cheesy, corny conversations, so I am going to start with a joke. It is politically incorrect, so forgive me…

A married couple decides to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on the same island in the same inn where they were at their honeymoon.

On their first evening they go down to the dining room. They order the same meal. When the food arrives they start to eat. No talking… until the woman start to gush:

“I have this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest, just like 50 years ago!” she exclaims looking at her husband lovingly.

Continue reading “How Could You Experience Love? What Is Love Anyway?”

The almost magical cure for procrastination

The almost magical cure for procrastination
Finally, an almost magical cure for procrastination

When you have something to do but you don’t do it, your life starts going in a tail-spin, heading towards the rocks. It seems that what there is to do is so terrifying, so painful, so unbearable, that even ending up on the rocks is better.

If you are a procrastinator, your motive power is to avoid death, instead of loving life.

When you actually do the stuff you’ve been putting off, it always turns out that it is not that horrible. And, although you would think that next time it will be easier, you’ll find out that next time it’s even harder, even though you’ll remember that it wasn’t a big deal.

Why is that? It’s a vibrational issue. You’ve gone over to the side of Death…

It is much like being cold, trying to stay warm, trying to pull every energy inwards, and not move. Counter productive, counter intuitive, and yet, we all do it, in one area or another.

Just like to ward off the cold moving your muscles works, you warm yourself up, and the issue disappear, in the case of a procrastination, with the feared item, feared issue, feared opponent, taking action will disappear the issue… but the inner logic is set wrong, and somehow only an emergency, a direct threat to your life can flip it, throw the switch for you, and you seem to have no power, you wait until the threat is big enough.

Until now nothing worked. Until now you have tried will power, tricking yourself, but nothing really worked. Until now, that is.
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What is the Truth? And how do you go about deciding it?

What is the Truth? And how do you go about deciding it?

If you’ve been following my vibrational reviews, you’ve probably experienced confusion, fear, anguish seeing that most gurus, most people, in fact, have a low vibration.

Vibration is not your energy, or not really. Vibration is a number that shows to what degree you are in truth. Continue reading “What is the Truth? And how do you go about deciding it?”

The Self-Healing Course: questions about it

The Self-Healing Course: questions about it

hands-on-energy-healing self-healing courseThe first Self-Healing Course is starting on February 5. That’s a Tuesday.

So far the people who signed up are the people who know and trust me: students that have done courses with me. Interesting, especially considering that about half of the regular readers of this site came searching for information on the Healing Codes, and roughly the other half came searching for information on Christie Marie Sheldon. So, I assumed that they were interested in healing… we shall see.

Here is some hype-free information:

1. You need to learn to connect two different ways to be able to use Source Energies to heal. This training alone is worth the price. Why? Because anything that you do while connected, actually starts to work. Theta Healing, The Healing Codes, Reiki… add your own favorite healing modality here. Even chiropractors do ten times better work if they connect while they do their job.

I write faster and better articles or copy. I cook better meals. I coach a lot more effectively.

I hear that sex is incomparably better while connected… I have not tried that, sorry. You have to believe the hearsay…

You cannot muscletest and trust your results unless you are connected while doing the muscletesting.

Enough reasons for learning to connect?
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How do you live your life to develop intelligence? Intelligence is the end of anguish and anxiety

How do you live your life to develop intelligence? Intelligence is the end of anguish and anxiety

Intelligence is operational when there is no thinking, there are no thoughts. You can only detect that intelligence is growing by detecting that there are less thoughts.

One of the main causes of anxiety and anguish is living through the mind, not ever being in the present moment, not ever being in the here-and-now. You can only be intelligent in the here-and-now. Any departure from the now moment causes anguish and unintelligent ways of living and making decisions.

One of the things my Activate Divinity Course (closed) accomplishes is returning people to being whole and complete. It is almost impossible to be intelligent unless you are reasonable whole and complete, no parts suppressed, no aspects of you abandoned, denied.

The Harmonize The Planet meditation with the Heaven on Earth energy bundle is a great way to prepare yourself to be able to start the work of becoming whole and complete.

How did it happen, that in spite of my formal education (21 years total), I still managed to pull through with some intelligence intact? Not mentioning 27 years of Landmark Education, a 100% intellectual pursuit… When I look at landmark graduates, I see people waiting for someone else to give it to them, or repeating what they have already heard. Second-handers’ galore.
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