Tr. Foundation: Follow Up

Originally posted 2011-07-04 16:10:02.

man hit by lightning tr. foundation Vibrational Review:

One of my commitments to you, is to give you a complete and thorough picture on the state of self-actualization/raising your vibration, self-improvement industry, as truthfully, as honestly as I possibly can. One of the tools I have in my arsenal is muscletesting (kinesiology), and another one is my principle in life: Question Everything. Especially when I have a vested interest in being right… lol

To be able to deliver the truth about Tr.’s programs, I signed up to his monthly enhancement program. One energy submission per month, fifty dollars a pop. Not a bad deal — if it delivers…

Delivers what?
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Vibrational Review: Quantum Thought Shifting With Pam Ragland

Originally posted 2011-07-01 15:03:26.

Pam Ragland Quantum Thought Shifting Update 1/14/2012

Vibrational Review: updated on 3/15/2015

Pam Ragland personal vibration: 295 re-measured on April 27, 2014: vibration is 200 3/15/2015: 170
quantum thought shifting methodology: 200
truth value of teaching: 2%

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Vibrational Review: Holosync

Originally posted 2011-06-30 15:03:21.

bill harris holosync meditation

Bill Harris personal vibration: 210 (3/15/15) has risen since I first measured it
Holosync free disc (efficacy): 7% (200 vibration). But it does a particular job really well… it wakes up the brain that it is not in touch with reality…
Holosync whole program truth value: 2%
Holosync as methodology and theory for self-growth: truth value: 7%

Holosync is a mechanical operation, a lot like breathing, that may leave you with permanent improvement of your machine, your brain.
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Case Study #7: Theta Healing as a healing modality

Originally posted 2011-06-28 15:03:18.

Case Study #7: Theta Healing as a healing modality

logarithmic scale of consciousness created by David Hawkins Vibrational Review 1/14/2012

This review was written almost six months ago: since then much has changed for me.

Vianna personal vibration: 570 Update 10/7/2013: 170… wow. Update 2/22/2021: 100
Theta Healing methodology of healing: 7%
Teaches to connect effectively: no

Theta Healing is ‘Da Bomb.’

Of all the modalities I have tested and measured and used, this is the one that can actually connect YOU to the Creator, which means, it is up to you to what level of vibration you are willing to go. No go-between, no guru to follow, no trips to spirit and entity land, no animal spirits… no, you connect to the Creator, and you experience going home.

The modality vibrates near 800 160, because it doesn’t put anything between you and the Creator, not even itself. The originator, Vianna Stibal, who could have played the usual game, where she puts herself in the way, like a gatekeeper, completely gives the method away: I learned it from her $20 book I bought on

The same cannot be said about its practitioners.

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Vibrational Review: The Healing Codes

Originally posted 2011-06-27 15:03:34.

Vibrational Review:  The Healing Codes

Vibrational Review 1/12/2012

Updated 3/14/2015

Dr Alex Loyd personal vibration: 210
The methodology: 200
the company: 200
truth value: 13%. Why is it so low? Because

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Neale Donald Walsch,s Connect To God teleseminar

Originally posted 2011-06-24 12:53:16.

Neale Donald Walsch,s Connect To God teleseminar

neale donald walsch connect to god teleseminar series If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, etc. Everything. Under 500… won’t raise your vibration. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source

Vibrational numbers updated 3/14/2015
Neale Donald Walsch, Eckhard Tolle, Debbie Ford in this review
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Tr. Blessing, Tr. Foundation

Originally posted 2011-06-23 13:20:09.

Trivedi Guruji If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, etc. Everything. Under 500… won’t raise your vibration. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source

Trivedi energies, blessing: 195 (They are Dark Side energies, that’s why the low vibration)

Trivedi, an East Indian scientist or engineer? A hack? A guru? A fraud? is new to the American scene.

He gives blessings, in person, in groups, and over the telephone to large number of people.

His stated purpose is to prove to the scientists that this works, so he also gives blessings to animals, growing fields, etc.

I went on his monthly blessings $50 a pop program.
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Case Study #1: Humanity in Unity with Sai Maa

Originally posted 2011-06-22 22:04:41.

sai maa The intention of this post is to show that in order to have a permanent and earned rise in your vibration, you need to connect to the Creator directly.

If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, etc. Everything. Under 500… won’t raise your vibration. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source

Vibrational Review 1/14/2012

Sai Maa’s personal vibration: 195
Her Vibration when in a seminar: ~500
Her organization: 185
Her “diksha” light submission: 195
Truth value: 185
Continue reading “Case Study #1: Humanity in Unity with Sai Maa”

2 Simple Meditation Techniques to Practice Daily

Originally posted 2011-05-30 11:00:06.

This is an article I copied from someone’s blog. This article is a great example of how meditation is taught.

Meditation is an ancient technique, and its main purpose was to gain insight into life, into nature, into how the world works through going withing and upwards.

It wasn’t practiced to get healthy, to get exercise, to calm down, to deal with stress. The mindset that you want something and use meditation to get it firmly anchors you in the horizontal plane, where your wants and your likes and dislikes live.

Real meditation is to get you to the vertical plane, where your wants, likes and dislikes are just noise. Where you don’t need anything, because you live in the domain of being, the domain of Human Being.

That doesn’t mean you don’t do, and that doesn’t mean you don’t like or dislike. It only means: you don’t live through those likes and dislikes: you live through being, experiencing the likes and dislikes. No emotional attachment.

This is what I teach, and this is what is possible: a glorious way to live. Now, here is the “borrowed article” you wanted to read. Enjoy.

While it may be next to impossible to find a quiet place for meditation, a constant sense of tranquility is essential to recharge and relax our minds. What follows are simple meditation techniques that you can perform at your own convenience.

Try these two simple meditation techniques that you can do on your own, without the help of a professional or expert.

1. Vipassana: The Art of Conscious Breathing.

Considered the easiest meditation technique, Vipassana simply requires you to be ‘aware of your breathing’. This meditation technique traces its root to Gautama Buddha who follows the philosophy referred to as the “Golden Mean”. He believes that going extreme is not necessary, be it in terms of fasting or in prayer. Vipassana is the perfect type of meditation for the modern man because it can be done anywhere, at any time.

Breathing is among the most natural process in our body that we can easily be aware of. It is also considered to be the sacred link between our body and our soul.

In Vipassana, the rule is simple: just be aware of your breathing process. Do not control it, but feel your breath as the air enters your body and exits. (Vipassana should not be confused with ‘Pranayam’, a breathing exercise taught in yoga which controls breath movements.)

In meditating using the technique of Vipassana, you should simply ‘watch your breath’. Although you can do this anywhere, it is highly advised that you set a specific time and place to undergo this meditation daily.

2. Mantra Meditation: A Process of Positive Reinforcement.

Feeding our minds with optimistic thoughts does eventually lead to positive results. Mantras are words or phrases that you chant, act as the focal point for the meditation. It has been used as early as the time before the popularity and rise of Buddhism. It is considered to be an ancient meditation technique and is also among the most popular because it transcends time, culture and race.

The practice of mantra meditation requires you to repeat a sentence or a set of words. It should have a phonetic significance, something that’s easy to remember.

Similar to Vipassana Meditation, meditating using a mantra can be done anywhere, but it is best done as soon as you wake up. Prepare a set of words that you’ll recite, (out loud or to yourself), the moment you open your eyes. Listen to the sound of each word and internalize.

A good and steady practice of meditation will help you to improve your sense of being. By simply allotting a couple of minutes in your day to meditate, you will experience greater peace and connection to your life’s purpose, and gradually uncover your full human potential.

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Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies

Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies

remembering all-of-itIn this article we’ll talk about the source of the many energies, and examine what they do.

  1. Energies that come from Source, from All-of-it, generate harmony.

    If you read the description of all the energies I embed in audios or in water, all of them are elimination type energies. None of them give you anything that’s not already there.

    What is between you and between being in harmony with All-of-it is man-made

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